needed to draw something sweet and fast in one evening but took me way longer... i still like the sketches better tbh.

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obsessing over the way ive been drawing gyro's face, he deserves the extra scruff
anyways, gyjo drawing coming soon based off the last one i just drew 👀 it is perhaps a little more spicy :3

16 193

happier days on the run :)

156 626

late nite aggie w friends !

99 385

Finished! Moonlight Johnny and Seafairy Gyro 😤💛

42 189

Another Gyjo WIP. I used the same colors as the cookies, but I might change Johnny's to a more natural color, I feel like the yellow

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sbr is just gyro yanking around johnny whenever he needs to chill out. need more gyjo artists to draw these two being silly like this they are so funny

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