画質 高画質

Ok then... Here they are.

Tags: pos quien quiera de los cuatro gatos que van a ver esto. Me da pereza poner a alguien en la tesitura XD https://t.co/Y5GGRy701G

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Your mind puts conditions on your happiness, it doesn't want you to be happy now, it wants you to be happy when... ~

2 7

Ah so you've heard my notification sound then... bruh 💀

0 1

Got so much on I'm gonna need two tweets.

training tonight and first beginners session tomorrow.

on Thursday for DOA then on Friday for Southern Shakedown.

Its Losing my edge on Saturday....then....1/2

3 28

A few months ago I got badly liquidated. Succumbed to sorrow, I called out for help into the twitter void. A complete stranger back then... reached his hand out. I wouldn't be where I am without him right now. Please accept this owl as a token of gratitude ♥️

38 176

Then... the tiger gave in and became one of the farmer's harem.

Ah... Wrong...Since then, the tiger's body has always had stripes.

the end

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When you buy to represent all your personalities 🔥

Just 4 more to go then....😋

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Yuna - The Queen of the Seas.
She makes you drown in her depths and want to stay forever. She'd make you feel comfortable an wanted, though, because she cares. It is said that only the luckiest of people can be proud to call her a friend.
Then... would her partner be Dead lucky?

5 24

when..,when... , when the dorothy is elford.......

23 67

“even then... when i got him wrong and treated him harshly... he never stopped supporting me. why does sir joseph always stand by me? because he’s a knight serving my family? or...”

85 426

Then... Would you be interested in drawing her?

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I miss when Zekrom looked like this, glowing with energy, so much movement AND he was living up to his name as the Black Pokémon. Then....

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Doodle my embarrassment away! Then....sleep🥔

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123 Rhodes Island: Lee

Welcome to Lee's Detective Agency.
What request do you have?
I hear you can find anything.
Everything from big things like pets and small things like remote controls are counted.
Then... can you find the sanity of this person?

75 242

You get ONE cosmetic surgery and then...

4 8

Since seeing the 2018 of Beyonce, I got so inspired I had to paint it... and then... paint some more.... okay I got really carried away by QUEEN BEY 🎨 MY FINEST WORK

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