Hope this little Slorg helps you along in your journey

1 5

Este re-diseño ya tiene su tiempo que lo hice, ahora solo le agregue algunos detalles, no se si subirlo a Pixiv, ¿Qué opinan, debería hacerlo?

0 13

Need input. Which of these is the most appealing to you? The character is a librarian that wields void magic. Other input is welcome too.

4 16

Посмотрела "Зеркало" -> наскриншотила -> нарисовала в традиционном "пусть тут будет закат"

0 6

I am obsessing over new game so drew the main character of acid knife!

3 41

Super hyped for game Revita so i did some fan art

5 57

Hey, it's Galvantula in Sorry for the boring pose, couldn't think of anything

14 54

Super proud of myself i managed to draw something everyday for this past week in the same style. Been a personal challenge of mine for a bit.😀

1 11

"Okay, I'm going to work, I just need to get over the last episode" for today's

2 34

Still drawing instead of actually doing work, but i just love new avatar to much to miss out on drawing it.

1 16

Since im drawing i have to draw adorable... um i mean SpOoKy avatar😄.

1 17

Because it's a meme that I like and it's day have a cat drinking from cup.

10 31

I did my fav android C3-P0 form Star Wars!

1 8