I heard the sad news today that the sweet Bonnie who I drew last year has passed away. Loosing a pet is an indescribable feeling but I hope her portrait can bring some comfort to her owners xxx

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Spotlight: We meet comic book artist Shan Murphy https://t.co/aVJ3zQOHwJ Buy Scriba now at https://t.co/cP9RoRAMl4

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by the time this posts, i will be on a plane going to see my wonderful girlfriend and spend a week and a half with her!! i'm indescribably excited that i have the chance to spend so much time with her. 💙

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Hold Chopsticks an be complicated. Holding a Scriba is always easy

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Lineart (o como shingados se escriba >:v):
Color: Sho UwU
(Todo kk mi coloreado ahre)
(Pero con musho amor Uvu)

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Hold Chopsticks an be complicated. Holding a Scriba is always easy

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Hold Chopsticks an be complicated. Holding a Scriba is always easy

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Kick butonski o como se escriba ESPECIAL 7K!!!!!! Gracias a todos!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉😘😘✌✌😊😊😊💚💜💙❤ espero que les guste kick naaa no les puede gustar por que es mi senpai >:V xd pero espero que les guste mi dibujito (NADA MAS >:v) bueh eso bye ❤✌🎉

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Hold Chopsticks can be complicated. Holding a Scriba is always easy.

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