Didn’t get a chance to draw anything new this year so I’ll just share some oldies but goodies

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*wiggles pili* These aren't the bacteria you're looking for.

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Happy and I finally completed a prompt for because Star Wars. Hoping to be posting on my art insta more and more so give it a follow if you want to see my work 💜 https://t.co/zdiValzE9o

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Happy everyone!! May the Fourth be with you!! ❤️😊😊✨ Here are a few pieces done a while back to celebrate!

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Happy Oriland friends!

Pandawans, waving hands in a jedi way, saying: "You will now go to fold", "You will now go to fold!" :-)

Fold you own @

May the folds be with you all, always!

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2days Joes Bar Celebrates National Buddha Day this May 18th, which also is National Craft Beer week. What goes best with Beer but a footlong. Yes, today's toon is both shallow and deep my faithful followers!

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