画質 高画質

Origami + Goth

747 7303

Teaching Tomoka how to make a Origami

1114 15372

Un pequeño fix al color,ayer no cambie el color de origami XD https://t.co/v2f7jfDcGU

7 36

🔶作者様:折紙さや様(@ Origami_Saya)



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Happy 4 Day!
4의 날 기념

바다의 무법자들끼리 싸움붙이기

6 12

As my has seemed to have died I am going through some of the pieces I have transferred to my laptop that I created and not minted.

This an artists study on "TechnOrigami" by

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Stegosaurus is a genus of herbivorous dinosaurs that lived during the Late Jurassic period. It was a gigantic and heavily built quadrupedal dinosaur.

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Luigi's different sprites.

[ Paper Mario: The Origami King ]

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Para darle fin al mes cosplay llega un nuevo dibujo con touhou

Yugiri hará que malgastes tu fortuna con este cosplay de Joon Yorigami

Dale un vistazo
Comunidad Amino de Zombie Land Saga

2 14

Que pasa si fusionamos a Rika Seto con Teto Kasane?

Joon Yorigami

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