What are your headcannons of Lukai and Vashette, they are unrelated to each other. Two different games. (Art by @/baydews and @/AyleenDeer)

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when youre trying to calibrate cannons but the clap of your asscheeks keeps drawing the sin eaters 😩🍑💦👏👏

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Day 4: Headcannons

Joy gets tired of her long hair and simply cuts it short.

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"You've been watching Gundam again, haven't you?"

"Why would you say that?"

(Yes, it's a Queadluun-Rhea with beam cannons like the VF-25 Tornado Pack.)

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¿Andáis por Zaragoza? ¡Seguro que os acercáis a Expotaku, y allí os espera con la mejor variedad de maravillas en papel, incluyendo su Loose Cannons, que os firmará encantado!

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“We all have demons inside us. Sometimes, they win.”

Here we go again! Here are some more Evil Splatubers. These were of my own headcannons since I haven't heard allusions to evil versions of these guys... yet.

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It’s soft hours and headcannons for pearl and marina popped up into my head so here take them!
1. They adopt agent 8 immediately after oe
2.octoling are clingy when it comes to someone they love
3.agent 8 love his pop star moms

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just a few of my favorite headcannons

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when we stream we make the best kinds of art.

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BotCon 2016, Airazor is a redeco of Legends Slipstream, who in turn is a retool of Windblade. She comes with two photon cannons that clip on her arms in a different orientation in each mode.

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Mini droids whose job it is to eliminate discarded Fizzo product waste with its twin mounted "displacement" cannons...but where is it getting displaced too?🤔

(WIP screengrabs)

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some lgbt headcannons from tumblr!!

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There's a homebrew called The Cannoneer by that lets barbarians wield whole cannons like bazookas. I love it.
This is Saria Seasalt, the coquettish and dynamic triton who thinks primes are helplessly adorable. "I must use my strength to protect these poor things!"

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Silas is a bugbear bard from a short-lived dnd campaign i played while studying. in our second session he blew up a bridge by casting Shatter on a bunch of cannons, and almost killed himself and his whole party (but it's fine. it's fine! see? he's fine)

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In the unused manual by Ralsei in Deltarune there is a section that explains the keys and in "Cooking" the key" W, which normally does nothing, is described to "Pulsar Cannons" so I have wanted to draw/sprite this ever since.

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My bat doodles!
Looks like I didn't share some of them on here yet. Might be familiar with them from dA / FA.

Oh yeah, bitches love cannons.

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More good history with via Braveheart
Medieval battles entry43&44
Constantinople fall strategic use of cannons in May
By July England discovers their efficiency
In 1450 at Formigny Fremch had started 1st handguns: culverin/couleuvrine (sort of)

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I'm annoying :''''')
No va a importar cuántas veces me digan q esta bien q les hable de mi headcannons del Fedix, siempre me siento mal al final por hablarles tanto :(:
Esq me emocionó mucho si se trata del Fedix (#FHSFEDESEME

SORRY @/valebeirana

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I love giving ponies cannons

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