'Knight of the Ice' de Yayoi Ogawa, editada pro es la seleccionada por nuestra corresponsal en EEUU . Serie de 4 tomos (y abierta) con toques de spokon y slice-of-life.

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新曲cover art + lyric
(feat. 小池 ジョアンナ ✖️ 橘田 ほのか)

イラスト 池上 幸輝

written & composed by Hidenori Ogawa


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Holiday Yoga-Wan: Enjoying rest time
"Enjoying my new yoga mat!"

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Happy Anniversary👑The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa: The Worst Two Days in History!

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プロレスリング ノアのモハメドヨネ選手、年内最後のアフロメンテ🌈2月の日本武道館ポスター「The Ogawa」バージョン頂きました😍🌹ヨネ選手は笑顔で、ひょっこりはん🌈😁今年も、ご来店ありがとうございました〜🎄

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Welp and here are my babies, hope these two will finally reconcile, cuz I'm dying(ಥ﹏ಥ)
These idiots deserve happiness...

Manga: /
Author: Ogawa Chise
Drawing: By me (with Manga reference)

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Edogawa Ranpo x Edgar Alan Poe from Bungo Stray Dogs

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Edogawa Ranpo x Edgar Alan Poe from Bungo Stray Dog

Maaf aku salah baca perintah 😭😭😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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manga - imhotep from im - great priest imhotep 🧍‍♂️

for anime it has to be between ranpo edogawa, muichiro tokito and, tsukasa yugi mehehe 😈

Omg i wrote too muc

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Holiday Yoga-Wan: Extended One Foot Pose
"A day in the snow with friends!"

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Hay muchas fotos de Jun Togawa que quería recrear pero hasta aca por ahora.

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Holiday Yoga-Wan: Warrior Pose
"Which ornament should I put on first?"

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Fudanshi-kun tachi no Bitter Sweet Days by Yodogawa Yuo

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