Strong and bold Princess Neaveh stops people from littering and makes sure that all animals are treated with kindness! Created by N. (age 13) & designed by Ana Gusson.

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Bonus page titled Character Introduction (Tyler Hanson). Learn more about Tyler after reading chapter 29!

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My anxiety is through the roof lately. I am trying to push past it (but it’s a challenge).

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Focus on the roots deep beneath your feet, said the crow. Nothing grows without roots.

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Dumbass & Smartass aka ENFP & ENTP 💚💜
This is a special request I got from a very good friend of mine 😜

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lil self portrait of me overthinking as usual 🌴🌊

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Day 41
Got my groupmates approval, so I should be enjoying my day but got a headache while feeling fabulous and all drssed up nicely.

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Sara is comfortable inside her bubble. It’s quiet and safe in there. But when she sees a classmate struggle with his own kind of worry, Bella’s big heart comes to the rescue & her whole world opens up. *POP*

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