Rukhkhmon is the Evolution of Biyomon with the DigiEgg of Light. It has a huge size. With its paws it crushes his enemies

230 1430

The two bugs of this series: OrchidScorpiomon and IfritKabuterimon. Wich one is your favourite?

145 870

Tomorrow I will share the evolution of Tentomon with the DigiEgg of Courage and the Tentomon fans are gonna love this one😎

Name for this new Digimon??

65 700

A Megadramon-inspired evolution for Monochromon :) thanks for lookin!

28 197

Someone suggested that I should edit that Hagurumon fanart I posted a couple of months ago to do a Solarmon version.

NGL, it sounds kinda lazy to me, but well, here it is!

3 6

Satamon is the Evolution of Patamon with the DigiEgg of Darkness. He fights with his claws until his fingers are destroyed, which he has to regenerate after each fight.

245 1429

Adamantaimon is the evolution of Gomamon with the DigiEgg of Destiny. His armor always reflects light, even in the dark. His tail is his main weapon

279 1487

OrchidScorpiomon is the evolution of Palmon with the DigiEgg of Knowledge. With its tail it is capable of making deep holes in the ground where it usually hides to attack its enemies by surprise

275 1444

VoltGreymon is the evolution of Agumon with the DiggiEgg of Friendship. With its claws it is able to create a rift in the sky and to rain thunder from the created rift

662 3287

Michamon is a character from my Digimon Story. Created by YggdrasilPRIME to be superior to the failed Lucemon. Thanks for lookin!

51 214