Lilymon Fairymon (kazemon) Renamon (the best) y Gatomon

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Fish thief! Piscine pincher! Sakana stealer! 

Not sure where this idea came from I just really wanted to draw a gato.
I kinda see Blackgatomon ending up like an alley cat if she was stranded in the real world.


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Renamon es seguro ewe, diré también kazemon y zephyrmon y quizá... Gatomon?

Y tamers... Diré Rika, Izzy, Kari y Zoe (?)

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A very cursed drawing for a very cursed model. For those who know, you know. This doubles as a preview to something else im working on.
Original: Braxton_W_B

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I gave Cyberkomon a lil "Redesign" as well but I mostly just adapted it's Proportions xD I used Gatomon as reference for that lmao

I wanna work on it's Evolutions soon too. It's about time it gets a Proper line

Hope you guys like it!

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Gatomon should have her own tier tbh, I just love her too much.

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Espeon and Glaceon doodle ft Gatomon cosplay

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the default image of gatomon w/ ring is I think too undeniably digimon bc of how fucked up it looks. the pointed shrived ears and tail, the hard coloring style, the look in its eyes. the ringless one meanwhile is like that's a cute creature, possible a pokemon.

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this started off as a quick doodle of the protagonist of the OG Digimon World but then I started adding stuff 🥲

remember always being salty you couldn't get Gatomon in the original... but Patamon was a decent second choice 😙

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Kari y Gatomon terminadas. Como me gustó hacer esta ilustración, son de mis favoritas🌻

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rats don't mix well with cats?

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The best digital kitty, Gatomon!
RTs appreciated! 🤍💜

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I got something similar to this combining Gatomon & Gomamon

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When a Salamon fights a Renamon, it can happen that the influence of that Data makes it digivolve into Fennemon!
So Fennemon was planned as a Gatomon-Alternative Champion, but can be used as Rookie or whatever you want of course ;) The in-Training is an add-on.

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