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A lot of people have been tweeting their Fire Emblem art for FE Expo day so here u go!! Random older stuff that I never put on twitter cuz lazy. Anyways I love FE.

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I don't get to make art as much as I'd like but these are my favorite digital FE things I've drawn over the years.

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I wanted to share more art about Fire Emblem because of the FEexpo event. So here's some art I am still very proud of!

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Iiii guess I can hop on that train, right? FE took over my life after I tried Awakening back in 2015 (I, too, was introduced via smash bros!) and everything went downhill from there!
I've drawn many things since then but these are a few that I personally am fond of!

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Couldn't draw much but I decided to follow the series after finishing the first game I played. Still having a fun ride!

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helped me through a really hard time in september when it came out, and helped me re-learn the fun of making fan art and drawing for myself. the worst thing about the game is that there’ll be no more content of my favs anymore! ;-; 💕

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I’m relatively new to fire emblem compared to some people, but I’m so glad I was introduced to it! I’ve met some amazing people through it, one of them being my best friend! In such a short amount of time it’s become somethingreallt special to me 💕

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Doing Fire Emblem fanart has def been a big push to improve my art. I’m pretty sure my that Mia/Neph piece was two years ago. FE Cipher was a huge inspiration and to improve some dynamic pieces.

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Three Houses is the first Fire Emblem where I completed a playthrough, the art and characters are all great, and we have Marth & Roy for being in Smash to spark interest outside of Japan

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Fire Emblem introduced me to a world of characters (husbandos) I cherish. It has helped me make new friends and come across new opportunities.

As an artist, I feel like every time I do a piece I grow.

May FE continue to grow and prosper 🙏💕

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awakening was my first fe game like many others and i was blown away by everything about it! fates is when i started getting Really involved fandom, and i consider it one of my "homebase" fandoms in which no matter how many i get into it always come back for more :")

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This was my summoning catalyst for Lif 💕🥺 (it worked!)

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Fire Emblem The Blazing Blade was my first Fire Emblem game and I feel in love with the series ever since. I'm thrilled that FE3H turned out so well because it inspired me to get me back into making art again after a very uninspired period

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I played my first Fire Emblem game (FE8) when I was 10 years old, and every time a new one has come out since then it’s been like coming home ☺️ It’s been amazing to see how far it’s come.

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I remember buying Awakening in 2014 thinking it was a zelda-like action rpg and i'm happy to say that; 6 years, 4 games and and 1 amazing art community later, I'm no better at strategy games than when i started

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my first game was conquest in 2015 and i've been in love with the series since! funnily enough i wasn't sure if i'd get into fe3h but it's amazing to see how far the series has come 😭🙏

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