The Stealer (Epic Ver.) / “The First Day of Creation” fresco from the Sistine Chapel (1508-1512) by Michelangelo

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1512日目 今日はLaw Breaker(オリジナル)から隠導連でおやすみなさい

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Benvenuto Tisi da Garofalo "Poseidone e Atena battaglia per il controllo di Atene"(1512)
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister Dresden, Germania
Auguri di buon compleanno al nostro prezioso amico 👏👏👏 saggezza e forza come le divinità indicano😉😄👏🏻🙂👏🏻

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"Creazione di Adamo / The Creation of Adam"
Painted c. 1508–1512.

'Kheili dour, kheili nazdik / So Close, So Far'
Reza Mirkarimi

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余談ですが、ルターさんが受けた die Reichsacht 帝国アハト刑って『鉄腕ゲッツ』の名で知られるゴットフリード・フォン・ベルリヒンゲンも皇帝から「強盗騎士ゴラァ!!! ヤンチャ過ぎるとBAN食らわすぞゴラァ!」という感じで食らってたりします。しかも2回 (1512年・1518年)。

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11 avril 1512 : Bataille de Ravenne.

Les troupes du roi de France Louis XII l’emportent sur l’armée d'Anglais, de Vénitiens, d'Espagnols et de Suisses, envoyée par le pape Jules II.

Mais Gaston de Foix-Nemours, commandant des troupes françaises, est tué au combat.

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El Entierro del Altarpiece de Isenheim, c.1512-16 -
Matthias Grünewald -
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Red-painted and parcel-gilt-decorated turtleback bellows, circa 1830, 17¾" x 7½", with M. Finkel & Daughter provenance, sold for $1512 (est. $200/300) at

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Dürer's masterpiece. An unforgettable image.

"Left Wing of a Blue Roller"
Albrecht Dürer
c. 1500-1512
watercolor and gouache on vellum, heightened with white
Albertina, Vienna

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(47×39 cm) z 1512 r

Dzieciątko trzyma przekrojoną, tytułową, gruszkę. Słodycz gruszki miała przywodzić na myśl słodycz uczucia, która wedle świętego Bonawentury, zakonnika reguły świętego Franciszka, jest darem Bożej Mądrości.

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Le 5 mars 1512 naît Gerard De Kremer dit Gerardus Mercator, mathématicien, géographe et cartographe flamand, inventeur de la projection cartographique qui porte son nom.

2 : L'Artique (1595)

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L'École d'Athènes, par Raphaël, 1508-1512

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Henry Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel (1512-1580)

A prominent courtier who lived during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Jane Grey, Mary I and Elizabeth I.

He was married to Katherine Grey (daughter of 2nd Marquess of Dorset), and then Mary Arundell, pictured

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