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@artmajcar @GuernseyJuliet @lagatta4739 @BaroneZaza70 @artdielle @GiuseppeTurrisi @AlessandraCicc6 @albertopetro2 @slvpapa @BPerrionni Opera preziosa, caro Lino ed è molto interessante la narrazione. Grazie di cuore per aver condiviso con noi questa magneficenza ❤
#art #Culture #painting
Andrea del Sarto
San Jacopo con due fanciulli, 1528 - 1529
Galleria degli Uffizi a Firenze.
Anonymous woodcut from 1557 of the 1529 Marburg Colloquy summoned by Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse. It tried to solve a disputation between Luther and #Zwingli over the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, while also aiming for the consolidation of a Protestant alliance.
Finished it! :) I'll be updating the website and socials tomorrow with new Winter/Xmas themed stuffinssss. :) I had so much fun making this! #dailypaint 1529
Five carnival revelers. One v. unhappy cat. Painted by Bartolomeo Passerotti of Bologna, born on this day in 1529.
常連様が描いてくれた絵で今日はオープンするZE🔥 nodusへの愛を感じて、ただただ嬉しいです🐶😸 RAIZENがお待ちしてまーす🤘
Madonna and Child
With Saints
c 1529
Pinacoteca Nazionale
@LuciaTassan @redne2013 @CerisesMacaron @alecoscino @LuisaM56_ @ElieBautista @angelicadisogno @artdielle @GiuseppeTurrisi @artdielle @overlooki @VicoLudovico @Sellitti_MR
27 septembre 52 av. J.-C. : Vercingétorix échoue à Alésia.
27 septembre 1529 : Siège de Vienne par Soliman qui aboutira à un échec.
27 septembre 1810 : Bataille de Buçaco et 3e échec français pour conquérir le Portugal
27 septembre 2018 : Myu continue d'échouer devant Kayo.
次回アップデートでは、さとやす氏による描き下ろし No.1529 最上義光(神)が登場!