Virgin and Child between Saint Helena and Saint Francis
Amico Aspertini, 1475–1552.
(Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales)

2 14

The 1552 - Mervation Breastplate! This alien armor will mold to fit most forms! Of course this causes it to exhaust a lot of power, but it can still take a plasma blast from a heavy cruiser!

1 10

Voici quelques illustrations du "codex Badianus", le plus ancien écrit sur les plantes médicinales des civilisations précolombiennes.

Rédigé en 1552, il sera envoyé en Espagne pour y sombrer dans l'oubli. Redécouvert en 1929, les 250 plantes mentionnées y seront alors étudiées.

21 53

今日は です。イエス・キリストの降誕を記念する日ですがイエスがこの日に生まれたという確証はなく4世紀前半、教皇ユリウス1世が12月25日と定めました。クリスマスは、Christ(キリスト)のmass(ミサ)に由来します。日本初のクリスマスは1552年(天文21年)でした。

3 4

没(1552、宣教師)、#華岡青洲 麻酔手術成功(1805・旧暦10月13日)、#高野長英 没(1850・旧暦10月30日、蘭方医)、#永井荷風 誕生(1879、作家)、#左衛門佐 誕生(#ガールズアンドパンツァー)

0 0


13 40


"Monstra marina et terrestria, quae passim in partibus aquilonis inveniuntur"

Cosmographia (1544) - De Regnis Septentrion. Liber IIII
Sebastian Munster (1488-1552)
Woodcut, hand colored

4 10

1.) Herakles finds his son Telephos (End of the 2nd century B.C.E)

2.) Laocoön and His Sons( ~42 B.C.E)

3.) Mitsukuni Defying the Skeleton Spectre Invoked by Princess Takiyasha (1845)

4.) Murder of Able (1552)

0 1




4 18

Amazing manuscript on c.1552-1585, from the collection of Emperor Rudolf II. with drawings of Arcimboldo and Hoefnagel a.o. of an Eurasian hoopoe (#vogel hop, drekvogel), and

1 4

Barbara Longhi

btd 1552 d 1638

'Santa Caterina di Alessandria'
( Selfportrait )
'Dama con l'unicorno'

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"In Ravenna lives today a girl of eighteen years of age... especially in her portraits as she barely glances at a person that she can portray better than anybody else" (Muzio Manfredi)

Italian painter of the Counter-Reformation Barbara Longhi 1552 in Ravenna

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Born in 1551: (1551-89), King of France & Poland

Portrait drawing as a child by an Unknown Artist, ca. 1552

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Augsburg Book of Miracles. Produced between 1545 and 1552 by an unknown artist. An illustrated manuscript from 1550s Augsburg, Germany, showing tales of the Old Testament, the Book of Revelation, contemporary events and apocalyptic visions.

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Born in 1552: Bolognese painter (1552-1614)

Portrait of a Noblewoman, before 1614

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Born in 1552: Bolognese painter (1552-1614)

Portrait of a Girl, early 1580s

2 2

Beep beep. It's the birthday of the extraordinary Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), the first fully professional female artist. Get this - she had 11 children, and made her husband stay at home and look after them while she painted! Probably the first female artist to paint a nude!

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