There’s so much to look at in this wonderful portrait of Charles d'Arenberg & Anne de Croy with their family, painted in c. 1593. The artist, Frans Pourbus the Younger, also included himself in the portrait. [© KIK-IRPA, Brussels (Belgium), cliché KN1017]

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2/2 Looking right at you from 1593: the lutenist Mascheroni, drawn by Annibale Carracci of Bologna. It's his day today.

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Frans Snyders, Fable of the Fox and the Heron, 1593-1657, Oil on canvas

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(徐渭 书画 28)


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You'll have to wait, I have a new article called 'Spouses, spies and subterfuge: the role and experience of women during the Nine Years War (1593-1603)' coming out in the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (hopefully) this year

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発行(708・旧暦8月10日、日本最初の銅銭)、#豊臣秀頼 誕生(1593・旧暦8月3日、武将)、#南京条約(1842、#アヘン戦争)、#薪水給与令(1842・旧暦7月24日)、#廃藩置県(1871・旧暦7月14日)、#日韓併合条約 発効(1910)、つづく

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Artist Jesse Mockrin's recent portrait of singer Billie Eilish created for Vogue and based on Caravaggio’s 1593 'Boy With a Basket of Fruit'

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in Xu Wei (1521–1593) was an all-around Ming scholar well-known for his bold artistic expressions. In this work, he used P'o Mo ('splash ink') technique in depicting stones and peonies, making it like a contemporary creation.🎍🌺

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Jacob Jordaens (19 May 1593 – 18 October 1678) was a Flemish painter.Les Filles de Cécrops découvrant l'enfant Érichthonios by Jacob Jordaens (1617)

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based on true events


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Died (alas!) on this day in 1593, in Milan, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Started as portrait painter. Went in other directions. Here drawn by himself.

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In memoriam

iuseppe Arcimboldo,

Milán, 1527- 11 de julio de 1593

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Artemisia Gentileschi nasceva l’8 luglio del 1593.
"La mano destra di Artemisia Gentileschi con un pennello". Disegno del 1625 di Pierre Dumonstier Secondo, conservato al British Museum di Londra.

Via Libri Usati e Antichi

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Born in 1593: Italian painter (1593- 1656)

Self-Portrait as Maria Magdalena, ca. 1617-20

Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum

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Italian Baroque painter, Artemisia Gentileschi was born on this day in 1593. She is one of the most accomplished 17th-century painters, an era where women had so few opportunities to succeed. 🎨

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Per la nostra serie

Ricordiamo la nascita di

👩‍🎨 Artemisia Lomi Gentileschi

(Roma,  1593 –
Napoli, 31 gen 1654)
una pittrice italiana di scuola caravaggesca.

Le sue opere hanno incantato il mondo, ma la sua vita fu piena di ostacoli.

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Manierist painter Giuseppe Cesari called Cavalier d'Arpino died in Rome 1640. Young Caravaggio trained in his studio as a painter of flowers and fruit (1593–94).

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The Long Turkish War (1593–1606) was fought between Austrian Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire, mainly for control over the principalities of Wallachia, Moldova & Transylvania. Large scale battles (Calugareni,Keresztes) saw the conflict lead to an inconclusive peace at Zsitvatorok

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