Uncanny X-Men cover dated December 1985.

129 1822



8 53

Mel Shaw concept art for “The Black Cauldron” 1985.

252 1323

Watched the first movie of vampire hunter D

Pretty nice. Follows similar plot lines as Trinity Blood, but with a few new things. Noticed also similarities with tsukihime (Enhance, DAA, True Ancestors).
Much more horny than what I would expect of an anime from 1985. New vampire-

0 3

Happy Anniversary to Disney’s The Black Cauldron released on this day in 1985.

4 60

Illustration d'Akira Toriyama pour le Weekly Shonen Jump n°19 de 1985. Le visuel sera également utilisé pour une carte téléphonique promotionnelle.
Etrangement, cette illustration n'apparaît pas dans les artbooks. Peut-être l'original a-t-il été égaré avant 95 ?

5 51

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11 24

Les Edwards. Cover art for Robert Jordan, Conan the Unconquered, Sphere, 1985.

0 1



Abbie Cornish, Justin Long

1985. Policía encuentra a la niña Jane en la granja familiar donde todos sus miembros han sido asesinados, solo vive ella. Es adoptada y ya no recuerda nada.

1 1

The George A. Romero zombie flick "Day of the Dead" debuted in US theatres today in 1985. The film is the third film in Romero's Night of the Living Dead series.

36 196



6 54

Les Edwards. Cover art for Pierre Barbet, Rome doit être détruite, Fleuve Noir. 1985.

2 9

"A View To A Kill" by Duran Duran was the song on the Billboard charts today in 1985.

0 6

My cool Runaway Train painting 1985. Still dreaming and painting 37 years!

7 27

Cartoon: An old sketchbook idea from 1985. Enjoy the polka ear worm :)

5 29

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1 18

Hoy es el cumpleaños de Marc Chagall. 1887-1985.
Autorretrato. 1914.
Museo de Arte de Filadelfia. EE.UU.

5 12

New Mutants cover dated October 1985.

12 153

Uncanny X-Men cover dated July 1985.

32 496

Uncanny X-Men cover dated May 1985.

33 563