DAY 9: Study from a peer/friend/contemporary. Here's a study of 's work 💕

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about worrying, growing, and worrying about growing for

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Day 8+9: Quirk/ Class 1B
I ended up combining 8 & 9 ^^” mainly cause I didn’t know what to do with 8 and I was behind LMAO

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9) “Study from a peer/friend/contemporary” (original by Victoria Gedvillas)

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Day 9: study from a peer/contemporary. Here’s Sam McKenzie’s dtiys that I neglected for months

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Inktober Day 8: Art for a Lo-Fi Hiphop Playlist 🎧
More like Lo-Fio am I right? Uh anyway, Fio from Porco Rosso is the underrated Ghibli Girl

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inktober day 5: vintage fantasy

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Create a Sanctuary designed just for you ✨ Loved adding all the lil details in these, favourite foods, favourite pokés favourite drag queen and ALL the Taylor Swift Albums lol

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inktober day 4: sanctuary (designed for you)

decided to just work on the theme of sanctuary instead

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inktober day 3: explore a graphic style vastly different from your own

i wouldn’t say this is vastly different but it was fun experimenting with new elements

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5. Лезвие
Покомфортились вчера а теперь хорни🥴
Решила попробовать по другому рисовать глаза

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inktober day 2 (this was day 3’s prompt but i mixed it up): favourite ghibli boy

my fav ghibli boy is amasawa seiji from ‘whisper of the heart’ mainly bc of mark lol

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