Sonoma State University paints images of and colliding, creating scenes. She works with scientists to help people understand complex space phenomena better. Image: Simonnet

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redesign.Didnt have the scar there before but with it here now, it represents how Damned & Mortal Iketasos is now in this dimension/universe. Less-travelery clothing to signify commitment. Constellations/🌟 bc they make blackholes (the mirror/eyes)

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Mysterious brightening at the galactic core:

"Astronomers report a sudden brightening of Sagittarius A*, which became 75 times brighter than usual, suggesting that the supermassive black hole may have encountered another object."

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amazing image of the Whirlpool shows it is dotted with

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💫This is Jennifer Jenson, the protag of my sci-fi novel. She has the power to create blackholes and is sent back in time to the 1950s. She wants to go back to prevent her best friend's murder.💫
Fun Fact: I studied abroad my first semester of college.🌍

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i was just reading about blackholes until my brain decided to do this

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Loving the story idea behind the challenge! Their character is so interesting; isolated and alone by creating black holes!

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As I wait for Nintendo's servers to extinguish the fire, I decided to finidh up my pic, I really wasn't gonna make one, but then I just got inspired and had to make one.

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[Lost Phone]
This is what happened yesterday. 😂 When life gives you lemons, make comics!

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The temptation of making a comic of this was too strong.

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After 104 years of Einstein theory of relativity proves to be right again despite the weakness of technology and possibilities at that time Einstein's theory has already proven true that it is dazzling..

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Blackholes are way too cool.

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People have always said that looking into my eyes was like getting sucked into a dark abyss so I wanted to draw my blackholes for eye.

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Bueno, bueno, bueno... ¡Acaba de salir y ya se posiciona como uno de los tebeos revelación del año! de () te espera ya en nuestros estantes 👉

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