El amplía la información y cambia el nombre de este cuadro del pintor flamenco Lucas van Valckenborch fechado hacia 1580-90 y titulado hasta ahora como Fiesta aldeana. (Mini hilo👇)

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Hey man don’t mind me telling you this but, I actually redesigned Douborchid for you.

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Very cold weather in Antwerp but the skating is good & we've got a fire going on the bank for non-skaters. By Lucas van Valckenborch, d. OTD 1597.

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Country woman, Gesina ter Borch, 1655


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Sijbrant Schellinger & Jenneken ter Borch with their two children tenderly and deliberately done by Gesina ter Borch in 1669 (Rijksmuseum) What detail - the infant's bird-themed high chair, Jenneken's fashionable attire, Sijbrant's watch with its winder and his writing equipment.

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A couple - and their - stroll by moonlight, painted by Gesina ter Borch c. 1654-59 (Rijksmuseum)

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horseman by Johan van Boenenborch, c.1601, in album amicorum of J. Walraven van Stepraedt, 1598-1633, , perhaps made during the siege of Stuhlweissenburg / Székesfehérvár, in 1601.

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Comission for Abel Borchardt on FB, ty again :3

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Winter: Fun on the Ice, c. 1655, by (Dutch, 1633-1690), who according to was baptized (Dec 13). Held at the , https://t.co/PEtnnLOjrq

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Comission for Abel Borchardt on FB, Ty so much

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Kissing in 1653, Gesina Ter Borch (Rijksmuseum)

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Happy to come across this today my featured in "Artist Portfolio Magazine" 10 Anniversary issue Vol 4, page 28.

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Laughing With My Mouth Full

Has been selected for the online show
“Not Only Can Women Paint But…”

A curated selection of works from the Ruth Borchard Self Portrait Prize Exhibition, 2019
November 19 – December 31, 2020


Thank you

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2/2 A shepherd pleads for the favor of his shepherdess. She seems quite pleased about this. Also has a great crown of flowers! By Gesina ter Borch, whose day is today.

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2/2 Uninvited guests completely ruined the party, and we were having such a good time! Lively memento mori scene by Gesina ter Borch, whose day is today.

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3/3 Sharing his snack with a younger boy: good kid! Drawn by Gesina ter Borch, who was born on this day in 1633.

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2/2 Two washerwomen tamping laundry in a tub. Fascinating picture by Gesina ter Borch, who was born on this day in 1633.

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Two African boys, painted in watercolor in one of Gesina ter Borch's albums in 1654. Wonder what they were doing in Zwolle. Today is Gesina's day.

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Gentleman & masked lady (w/ dog) riding through a landscape rich in cows & windmills. As depicted in 1660 by Gesina ter Borch, born OTD in 1633.

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