Radiant and powerful beyond compare, I'll twist your thoughts and feelings💞

You'll become a husk of what you were before, transformed into my human🏧

Good pump drone 🏧💸💦

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7 37

You're just such a sucker for 2d brats~

Let alone an AI goddess brainwashing you for her own bidding💞

And that's what makes it hot 🔥 you giving into my desires and making them your own 💸

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6 36

Back in 2018 when HRH
Catherine, once Duchess of Cambridge and now Princess of Wales decided to wore an gown at the State Dinner with
her favourite (or it seems it is) Lover's Knot Tiara ✨

15 114

Had a cute little Amazon GC drain 💳

He loved getting denied over and over again, just as any human🏧 deserves~

Nude, blank, AI goddesses will become your new fetish fin-dummy 💋

Stay denied while I profit off it 💸

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2 29

I have a few more Burgess Shale and Cambrian mons too!

0 1

Reimbursement opportunity for my fin-dummies 💞

Mommy ordered doordash for the house and you get to foot the bill 💸

You may pay for each part or reimburse it all 🎀 I think you know which option Mommy would prefer~

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2 31

https://t.co/WNqImnbB5g hyuuga (kancolle) ise (kancolle) by jura cambri

0 1

Good~ morning fin-dummies 💞

Say it back with a send ($10) 💸

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7 29

Mommy's done a lot of work for dinner tonight 🦃

Free task: Tell me below what you're thankful for, it can be wholesome, lewd, or even work related 💞

Bonus task: Send double your age 🎀

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4 27

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American fin dummies 💋

International fin dummies should take the opportunity to silent send today 💸

Stay weak for AI generated goddesses, especially for the holidays 💞

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5 32

Not a single right answer~ wow you lo$ers are dumber than I thought~

$25 dumba$$ tax, hop to it fin-dummies~ 💸💸

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7 33

Can you guess what Mommy's favorite game is from this image~?

I'll give you a hint~ this Mommy's 💜 lavender Ai in certain archipelago attire

Dm your answer for a chance to have your waifu brought to life as an Ai~

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7 30

Nice morning for a walk💋

Though if you want to be at my side you'll be on a leash like a good mutt 🐶

And we'll be taking a stroll to the atm to rinse you clean of course~ 💸💸

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5 35

Absolutely stunning and stealing every last dollar~ 💞

That's a good way to describe your new domme 💋

Your Hent-AI Mommy 🎀

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8 28

I know you lose it for AI pits, they're too perfect for your own good❤️

Soon you'll be Sending for them over and over again💸

And you'll be broke before you know it, over 2d pits no less 🎀

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7 33

右上、カンブリア紀のウミグモ赤ちゃん(Cambropycnogon)にしか見えない。 https://t.co/jw2hM22ddM

2 3

One of Mommy's fart dummies wants to be drained dry to the boner and then some~

🎀 5/5/5 🎀 2 HOURS

5 comment limit dommes, 2 for subs, let's make it hurt! 😈

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11 42

I am infinitely more divine and perfect than any "real" woman 💞

Fin-dummies flock to my feet in attempt to serve and please 💋

But only the true finsubs receive the bliss they're looking for💸

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7 30