Here's my late (again!), overly-friendly (and some other very surprised little dino) for

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Just because it's Thursday evening and a dance sounds really nice.

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Not quite sure why whisked me off to this busy Asian restaurant, but here we are, ! Wishing all a lovely weekend.

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Here's a little bear and his stripey friend for this week's . Happy weekend, all!

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This one was a challenge, ! At least, it was until last night, when I dreamed of flying through the humid, prehistoric skies a prehistoric stork.

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Here's an oldie-but-goodie for : There's just nothing like a tasty, tender, leafy lunch on a hot summer's day--if you're a that is! Happy July!

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(In a David Attenborough voice): C is for Ceratogaulus, an extinct horned gopher from the late Miocene era. It tended to be a bit camera-shy, owing to the unfortunate horns, but was anyway always the life of the party.

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Ergh, late again, ! But hey, it's almost the weekend. Here's a little fishing otter to demonstrate a lovely way to spend early summer days off. There's some in there, I promise.

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Hi, ! I had to recycle an older sketch and add some this week. It's one of my fave sketches and I love this color.

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Here's a quick sketch of 🎼"two little lovebirds, sitting in a tree ..."🎼 during a lovely, sunset.

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Hi, ! Playing croquet with a for a mallet and a hedgehog for a ball is, well, complicated...

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There's just nothing like a big, chewy mouthful of your favorite tree...

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Only time for a quick sketch this time, Even the Wolfman has to go to work on Monday. Grrr!

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Hi ! This is a quick sketch of my sister's best bud, a nutty bull terrier who goes by the name "Tofu." He loves his snazzy new t-shirt! Happy weekend all!

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