It’s Crocodiles Celebrating Christmas for today’s This is based on my favorite Christmas story, the 1914 Christmas Truce.

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Today's the start of round 14 of This time the theme is Animals in Situations and here is my African Penguin doing Acrobatics (Parkour Penguin!).

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For all the under appreciated ones, especially the last 2.5 years, the letter N prompt, Naragansett Turkey (the nurse)

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I is for Indian Runner duck. 🦆

My drawing for this week's My parents had some of these ducks, so I ought to know how to draw them!

A6 cartridge paper with coloured pencils.

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F is for Falabella Horse. 🐎

My drawing for this week's

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I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! Wait, different rabbit. This is the English Lop for this week’s A domestic breed with large floppy ears.

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Monday evening is always This time around it's musical instruments with animals playing them. Here are my first few I'm building a gorilla orchestra 😁

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for an old sketch but fits perfectly. Reminds me of my own kids attitude to bath time 😂

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H is for Hatsadiling - my silly wee beastie splashing in a puddle for Have a great week everyone! :)

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My today’s Inktober, day 30: “catch”.

I started with my old drawing of a Hesperornis and a frog for Then decided that the whole thing needs something even more menacing 👀 for a catch. 😄 So, here is where Dunkleosteus comes in to play

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Time for the next round of This time the topic is birds and I'm starting off with this Avocet playing an accordion.

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G is for for this weeks I won’t be around to post this later so have it now!

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