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西智弘@川崎医師 on Twitter: "娘のこと。 今年春ころから体調が悪くなった。コロナワクチン2回打ってなお、COVID-19に罹患してからだ。 頭痛がひどい。夜眠れない。そして朝起きれなく、腹痛もあって食欲もない。 あん… https://t.co/xuhiiUKfTR

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Teana Svensson / My OC

Teana Fire dragon with Ultraman Decker Strong Type!
and Teana Ice Dragon in the winter

just some stuff I draw when I still sick with Covid-19
otherwise, I may forget how to draw, lol
at least I'm 100% fine now!

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Hoy me toco vacunarme con la dosis que protege contra la variante omicron, se le llama vacuna bivalentes contra el COVID-19.https://t.co/6bNYI1v416 Me dio Covid-19 en Julio y al estar vacunado fue leve.

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"Here comes the Sun". The Beatles tribute song that is played for those patients leaving the hospital who have survived a long battle with the Covid-19 virus and have recuperated.

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Breaking news: Timber Creek has contracted Covid-19, and died. His joke is dead now, and everyone can go back to living a normal life again

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Grunkle Stan has been diagnosed with COVID-19

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ロック界のレジェンド『エリック・クラプトン』(76歳) が、COVID-19の規制、ロックダウン、強制接種の推進に抗議。ニューシングル「This Has Gotta Stop」をリリース
Eric Clapton - This Has Gotta Stop

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A world where the COVID-19 has come to an end

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Marvel's Eternals is one of the best comics of the decade, but it only happened because of COVID-19. Kieron Gillen explains the choice to work with Marvel over a creator-owned series, "The covid years had melted me, and I needed to be kinder to myself."


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COVID-19: Lungen-MRT zeigt Langzeitschäden bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Erlangen – Erkrankungen an COVID-19 können bei Kindern und Jugendlichen die Sauerstoffaufnahme in den Lungen auch über das Ende der akuten Phase… https://t.co/mWONRtcz4B

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Our October issue is live! Featuring articles on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in Hong Kong, influence of gender on medical publishing, and the role of altruism in influenza vaccine uptake

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"Netizen emang kek anjing ye, tai!" umpat Bianca Amplitudo, 31 tahun, sambil menatap sosmed. Rencananya untuk bekpeking keliling eropah menggunakan hasil tabungan ambyar karena covid-19 datang, perjalanan impiannya batal, dia pun uring-uringan.

Bianca adalah kita

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Forgot to tell you this but I beat COVID-19 on max difficulty last week, I was not vaccinated and I have some thickening in my heart. We only found out it's COVID after my mom lost her taste, wish I knew sooner so I can laugh even harder.

My ass was expected to die but I didn't!

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We hebben gezien hoe extreem rechts & populisten het bestrijden van COVID-19 bemoeilijkte met toename aan fake nieuws, haat naar wetenschap, geweld, opruiing, bedreigingen naar experts als & . Stel dat zij de meerderheid vormen in de toekomst?

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(2/3 ) & uncover a link btw THE WEREWOLF (1956), Cold War anxieties, & COVID-19 pandemic in "'They Know It Could Happen to Anyone!': The Promise of Nuclear Holocaust and Vaccination Fallout in The Werewolf (1956)."

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I have been trapped in school for about 2 weeks because of COVID-19......without my phone.....Today is Mid-Autumn Festival so I got my phone for a while.Then I draw this.....

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