1. Ok alors je vais commencer par ce fils de pute
Attendez, je recommence, CE FILS DE CHIEN A LA MERDE
Le singe dans le combat contre King Dice dans Cuphead, j'aime tous les autres mini-boss A PART CE SINGE DE L'ENFER

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Finished these two characters that heavily reference Chara from Undertale and Cuphead from Cuphead, lol.

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Pretty proud of this one, so posting it here, hehe

It's the from look at heeeeem!

Photos from Unsplash
Rock Formation - Will Truettner
Black n White Cave - Jorge Barahona
Pink cloud - Pawel Czerwinski
Sparkler - Cristian Escobar

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Ya llevo tiempo sin dibujar y e aquí comenzando de nuevo en el mundo del dibujo, dejo algo que fui haciendo estos días. Cuphead, uno de los mejores juegos para mi!!!

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I've done another custom birthday portrait. The theme is rubber hose animation (cuphead, steamboat Mickey, bendy)

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haha should probably draw something that isn't cuphead,, anyways here's more Cuphead

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Some people claim that if you type '626' on the debug menu in Cuphead, you will find a giant bunny

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Did you know that my comic is pratically Cuphead, except Satan is a hot furry lady? Which makes it scientifically better, ofc

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pras pessoas reclamando do diabo sendo o vilão no cuphead, tenho um ótimo jogo pra recomendar ☺

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An action-packed ’80s themed retro 2d shooter, heavily inspired by new and old classics such as Cuphead, Mega Man, and Metal Slug.

Pre-save: https://t.co/xPetpn7qw6

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Nunca he tenido la oportunidad de jugar Cuphead, pero al ver su serie, se me hizo entretenido ver tal par de protagonistas ( ᐛ )

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I changed my stance on I like it's supposed to be a wacky show like Tom and Jerry our childhood.

My only issue was the first few episodes are wacky fun but Cuphead kind of a doofus. But later his personality changes drastically. He's fun but takes NO BS!

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My favourite character is:
😊Cuphead, Mugman, Elder Kettle, The Devil, Henchman, King Dice and Ms. Chalice🥰

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Cuphead, River City Girls, and Hollow Knight were built under the same game engine Unity...ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

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I blame Cuphead, Bendy, Spinel, Fleischer studio cartoons, & any other rubber hose limb animation for this😅😂

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Empezare en breve, debo hacer algo primero pero será rápido hehe
♨️Vtuber♨️Volviendo a jugar cuphead, esta vez en PC 🔱☕️ https://t.co/LCK3sTjfEI

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Jaja mucho Cuphead, tanto que quise hacer una Candycup 😩👌💝💖✨🍧🍭
Y gracias por apoyarme en los colores 👀👉👈💕✨💝☕

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hi guys just reminding you that i have to um. pay gross bills and contribute to society so i have commissions open!!gonna do 4 slots. i can do cuphead, sonic, mario, fnaf, anything stylized really. here’s some of my examples and da prices !!! if u want one!! reply or DM me!! <333

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Bueno, aquí les traigo un dibujo que hice especialmente de la nueva série de Cuphead, espero les guste :)

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