Kitiara & Skie - DarkAkelarre

45 350

Another beautiful piece by of my girl Xiirah! This is an updated look of how she looks now in a Dragonlance themed campaign run by !

4 7

Well, we hit 20,000 followers yesterday which is absolutely huge! To celebrate we want to give away a copy of Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen?!

For your chance to win simply:
1. Follow us
2. Like and retweet this post!

Giveaway will close on the 15th October! Good luck!

947 1755

2 of 2 Dragonlance

The Dark Disciple
140 Amber and Ashes Aug 04

Age of Mortals
141 The Lake of Death Oct 04

YA New Adventures
142 Return of the Sorceress Nov 04

143 Dragons in the Archives: The Best of Weis and Hickman
Nov 04

1 20

I really want a simple poster like this one, but instead of my OCs, it would be Dragonlance book covers.

0 2

Just preordered my copy of both Dragonlance Book and Board Game. I can't fucking wait!

0 4

2 of 2

116 The Dragon Isles Dec 02

Icewall Trilogy
117 Winterheim Jan 03

Tales from the World of Krynn
118 The Players of Gilean Feb 03

119 A Warrior’s Journey May 03

2 22

"The Ransom Note" - Larry Elmore

12 144

Halfway thru in published order!

99 The Inheritance May 01

War of Souls
100 Dragons of a Lost Star Apr 01

The Dhamon Saga
101 Betrayal Apr 02

102 Dragons Bluff July 01

1 of 2

2 29

Никогда не понимала, как люди делают красивые развороты с кучей скетчей…

0 3

2 of 2 still counting down ALL Dragonlance books!

40 Hederick the Theocrat Feb 94
41 Lord Toede July 94
42 The Dark Queen Dec 94

43 The Second Generation Feb 94

44 Dragons of Krynn Mar 94

We’ll pick up with the Defenders of Magic next time!

2 28

2 of 2

Seriously…Dragonlance cover art is da best!!!

30 Knight of the Black Rose - Dec 91

31 The Reign of Istar: Dragonlance Tales, Vol. 4 - Mar 92

32 The Cataclysm: Dragonlance Tales, Vol. 5 - June 92

33 The War of the Lance: Dragonlance Tales, Vol. 6 - Nov 92

0 33

Как же я люблю «Последнее Испытание», вы даже не представляете

0 5

Warriors series art by Jeff Easley

17 131

Hail adventurers ! I’m hosting a raffle to celebrate 5 Years as a DM and the start of my new campaign where followers will get a chance to get their OC drawn with 1 of the 7 Heavenly Virtues The Prime Deities of my Homebrew Game. Rules below ⬇️

5 13

Добре, ще один космічний Рейстлін для гарного сну✨

5 82