"I draw what I suck at" july

once again tried painterly style..

(I wont post all pictures from this series in here, if you want to see all of my drawings check out my DeviantArt: https://t.co/Y7AVZjvcZv )

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43. Photo reference study thing. Not quite happy with how it turned out, but gotta stop myself. I don't want to be stuck on this forever...

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40. Started quite different, couldn't get the effect I wanted and it became this instead... I need a lot more practice...~!

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Daily Art 39. Tried a different approach yet again. Was fun and closer to what how I used to paint in photoshop a long time ago. Exposes my lacking anatomy knowledge more than usual tho...

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It's getting colder again. Felt like drawing a scarf :o


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Playing around with colors~
Don't have my usual setup, so a lot of experimenting. First time using paint pro. 35

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I just default to pink hair. Don't ask me why. 27

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Have some lazy . No ink thing today :( 20

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Moody day. Need to pay more attention to values, but I'm okay with how it turned out for now. 8

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