I loved this scene so much that I wanted to color it 😊
I hope it looks good 🤧
MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎅 and until another next job i do

245 1630

everything would have been different, if it had not gone 😐
but history would not have had all that drama 👍

54 648

I expected to finish in less time but...it was difficult since I wanted it to be perfect. It is a family portrait I hope you like it
and thanks for this wonderful story!.

39 422

DOJIN, ya lo tenía ese tiempo ahora lo comparto 👍✌️🤧😎

22 318

Respeto tu privacidad viendo como te la jalas en secreto. Pero reafirmo mi autoridad como esposo entrando de todos modos 👍

7 30

me gustaría recibir sugerencias de imagenes para colorear 😼✌️🤔😋

34 497