One of my favorite games of all time, Arkanoid, I wish there were more games like this Breakout type game, had the fun weapons and power ups, top game

12 52

If there is a series of games maybe everyone back in the played on there it's the Games Series from this is the Winter Games edition

4 15

There were a few Chuck Yeager games, I think I had the very first one, I never really got on with it as it jumped from Plane 2 Plane quickly, but the flight model was very good

7 23

Escape from the Robot Monsters, what a game this was, the look of it, the boxart alone made me buy it, isometric shooting things, look at it

7 43

A decent arcade conversion, Ikari Warriors, great fun 2 player game back in the day.

11 39

Become a Striker and manage your career, trying to work your way up the leagues or get transferred to a top team, didn't like this one very much the match engine was bad

3 12

One of the best racers on the It I so fast and has awesome crashes, alas no right turns, the art is using draft and wall hugging for speed, I mention it was fast

9 54

I never got on with Wec Le Mans originally, put this game is a great conversion of the arcade, the Speccy version is super fast.

4 16

Match of the Day had a footy sim, with Jimmy Hill and Des Lynam, version had a highlights engine, was ok not the best.

7 19

Played this loads, one of the first games that the tape was almost worn out, great game, the is an engineering masterpiece, it is still used today

4 23

World Cup Challenge, you could only pick from England, Scotland, Rep of Ireland no Wales, take the team to World Cup glory, has all the official names.

6 17

This was a decent Footy Sim, had a highlights engine and lots of features, go through the leagues and try and win everything.

4 11

Really decent port this, great big sprites, thumping soundtrack and loads of weapons and things to shoot

6 24

Operation Wolf was an interesting one, first type of game I played like this, I never tried it with the Light Gun but had good fun none the less.

13 40

A more expensive football sim, maybe because Kenny was involved, it was a decent attempt at a Footy Sim.

3 13

The Boss was a rerelease of another game, it was basic, but you could win easily so the game always felt like you was progressing, one of the best Footy Sims for £1.99

5 33

Lords of the Rising Sun, another Cinemaware classic, presentation was always great, bunch of mini games, a map to conquer, a decent game.

9 42

Football Director, this really was a step above most of the other games, had many features, Training, Injuries, Board, Press Briefings, Staff, Scouts, Stadium, Sponsors

6 23