Ninten doesn’t work enough.

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When someone criticizes Ninten’s artwork in smash.

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A collaboration drawing for the art contest organized by and Italy! ✨
I love this kind of crossovers of videogame series and communities 😊

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decided to finish off my giygas just so i could mess with it with filters and stuff
this is the unfiltered version without eyestrain

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A comment that I saw on YouTube made me do this, it could also be said that it is a drawing for the anniversary ... although I was late.

Anyway, happy birthday Ninten.

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A little late but happy anniversary to this amazing game!!

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(#EARTHBOUNDBEGINNINGS )32周年ですなー。ついこないだクリアしたばかりです。思った以上にフリーダムなゲームだったと思います。ファミコン時代に出会えたのはうれしかったです。

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I had this idea to make poo a female and I'm proud of this lol.

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