Marin from LoZ: Link's Awakening 🧡 Popping in to post this bc I'm really happy with how well this turned out! ^-^

As always, I'll post my progress in the comments as well as a timelapse :D

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Here come them feels. ٩( ᐛ )و
Thought I would give a quick comic a try.

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Get your bananas now before they disappear as if they were only a dream!

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i finally got my first switch today and im so happy✨

as i got 3 free months of switch online with it i decided to go play link's awakening for gameboy, and wanted to do som' quick doodles of my first hour of playthrough!

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when the link is awakening 💤

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Happy anniversary! I feel like replaying my favorite Zelda game again 🙃

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Hear me out:

Since I’ve been hearing most people wanting Oracle remakes, I can’t stop imagining what baby Toy Link would look like! 💚

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Hommage a ma cocotte bleu, disparue dans Link’s Awakening

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...If I wish to the Wind Fish, I wonder if my dream will come true...

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Marin from Link's Awakening painted few time ago when i finished the GBC DX game again

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i finally have some time to chip away at the last few days of here's day 24: dream

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Day 30: Music
Marin's singing is so pretty, she's really good with hitting high notes-

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