It’s always irked me that Roderick’s FEH sprite doesn’t really look like his FEH art (and I’m pretty sure Luke too, but it’s less obvious) — it looks like they made the sprite based off the FE12 art instead, so the colours look a little off... or maybe not, I’m not sure

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Someone made a mod for FE12 that specifically aims to re-add lines from FE03 that were removed while also mainly removing the avatar from the game.

I can't laugh at it too much bc they put a lot of work into it, but damn, you can tell it was fueled by pettiness against NuFE lol

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Here is an illustration I made for Fire Emblem x Pokemon Zine, Together We Catch 'Em All.
I drew Etzel with Ice-type pokemon ❄️✨
Please check out everyone's work!

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I wanted to draw something self indulgent (and I'm due for an icon change) so I drew Roderick, featuring my favourite drink (apple green tea! I like it a lot... it's very good). The packaging coincidentally happens to be green, too...

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Plegian Cecil! She'd be an infantry staff user, and joins Kris and Katarina on their investigation of the Plegian festival. (...I'm not too late to join in with the Plegian alts, am I?)

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Resplendent Katarina in Dökkálfar attire! (I was feeling motivated, so I decided to finish her sprite edit today!) Her cape takes inspiration from the wings of the Dökkálfar, and is even in purple and pink to match with the rest of her outfit too.

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i don’t you at all but
- Clarisse (FE12)
- Soleil (Fates)
- Python

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Full art for Kris - Ardent Firebrand!
Kris will be our free Tempest Trial reward unit!

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Resplendent Luke sprite edit! The fiery attire of Múspell would suit his brash and hot-headed personality, don't you think?

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Thank you to who ever requested Phina from FE12!! :D

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Special Heroes: Knights of Spring are here! Here are five Easter alt FEH sprite edits of Wolf, Cecil, Roderick, Horace (his design is by @/Dt75Art!) and Norne, because the less popular Archanea characters deserve some love too.

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To finish off the Archanean Easter alt banner, here's Wolf: Wolf in Hare's Clothing! (Sorry, I couldn't resist not saying that) He has an axe because I wanted some variety. I wonder why he's here at the Spring Festival...?

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Horace and Norne Easter alt sprites. Horace's Easter alt design is by – I hope you don't mind I made fanart of it! (I really liked his outfit, and putting him in bunny ears was fun, haha.)

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Easter Cecil and Roderick sprite edit! If Roderick's low rank on CYL means he will never get an alt; fine, I'll just do that myself too.

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Still eagerly awaiting Cecil in FEH. Got too impatient and made her myself. (I spliced and edited FEH sprites together to make this – I used S!Kagero, L'Arachel, Cain, Ursula, Chrom and Roderick's sprite sheets, and Osian and Ike's headbands.)

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He's really just a dork at heart

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Roderick! (I had to draw him again, especially since my first fully coloured digital piece of him doesn't do him justice. I'm happy with how he turned out!)

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Many people liked and reblogged my MUKrisxKatarina, and I fear they don't even know about my MU so I want to take this moment to introduce her

This is my FE12 custom MU Yuna, she is the loyal Royal Guard of Prince Marth and loves her gf Katarina💛💜✨

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