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Superboy, Young Justice
First con commission of #PHXFANFUSION @PhxFanFusion
Hi everyone! I’ll be tabling at ARTIST ALLEY BOOTH A111 all MEMORIAL WEEKEND at phoenixfanfusion 😄 I’ll have my newest art prints for sale! Come by and check it out! #crystafett #cathleenabalos #phoenixfanfusion #artistalley #shazam⚡ zacharylevi
TODAY! How to Color Comics panel at @PhxFanFusion 6:00PM. Watch & learn how comic books are colored. Live demo plus Q&A. See you there.
#PhoenixFanFusion #comicbook #photoshop
Last batch of stickers for #PhxFanFusion 🔥🔥
Me and dayngel are gonna be calianna and jester on Saturday, so if you spot us, feel free to ask for a sticker! #CriticalRole #8rcs
More stickers for #PhxFanFusion - gonna be pearl on Friday, so if you see me, feel free to ask for a free sticker! #8rcs #splatoon
I drew some stickers that I'll be giving out for free on Sunday at #PhxFanFusion - I'll be the adora in the terrible wig lmao #8rcs #shera
Let's comic con and chill... I'll be at #phoenixfanfusion this weekend... Table a232 for all the #watercolor fun. #art #comicbooks #ComicCon #phoenix
I’ll be @ #phoenixfanfusion (23rd - 26th), bringing my beautiful weird paintings, both originals and official work from #slaythespire and #Numenera for @MonteCookGames with me! Come say hi @ table H720 on the upper floor!
#gameart #rpgart #phoenixart #rollthedice
“Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.” – Lena Dunham 📚
I need a little post convention R&R! comicconrevolution was super fun but now I gotta get prepped for phoenixfanfusion this weekend! Time flies! Wish
Finished coloring this today, had to do quick work to get it ready for @PhxFanFusion this week. #Grimknight #batman I'll be at Booth 1692 all 4 days!
This is from the #sketchcover I did.
#phoenixfanfusion #comics #Commissions #comicbooks #art #dccomics #batmanwholaughs
Saw a couple of tweets of people revealing their #PhoenixFanFusion cosplay line ups so I thought I’d do the same. Thursday: Gerudo Link Friday: Joker from persona 5 Saturday: D. Va from overwatch if you see me please say hi I’d love to meet y’all
Timelapse of Spene, the fusion of Yellow Pearl and Peridot💛
#stevenuniverse #sphene #yellowpearl #pearl #peridot #suyellowpearl #stevenuniverseperidot #superidot #peridotsu #fanfusion #sufanart #timelapsedrawing #stevenuniversefanart #digitalart #art drawn with @procreate
Spene, the fusion of Yellow Pearl and Peridot💛
#stevenuniverse #sphene #titanite #yellowpearl #pearl #peridot #suyellowpearl #stevenuniverseperidot #superidot #peridotsu #fanfusion #sufanart #stevenuniverseart #stevenuniversefanart #digitalart #art drawn with @procreate
The Fusion of my Champagne Diamond and @Rekaig_H Black diamond! I've temporarily called her 'Black Star Diamond'.
#stevenuniverse #fanfusion #fanoc #suocs
My favourite mother and Daughter disasters X'D
Just a couple of pencil sketches including one inspired by Garnet's wedding.
#stevenuniverse #suocs #champagnediamonds #gemlings #diasterdiamonds #pearlxshaydiamond #fanfusions #champagneifyouplease
Champagne Diamond drawn in the style of @rebeccasugar ! I hope you all like it, it was difficult to draw that pose 🔶
#Stevenuniverse #fanfusion #champagneifyouplease #champagnediamond #suoc #gemsona
Well, here she is guys! Champagne pearl, as you voted for ^^, I hope you like her!
#stevenuniverse #champagneifyouplease #permafusion #champagnepearl #fanfusion #suoc #gemsona
The reverse #GlowUp ! From Pearl, to Diamond, to Corrupted Diamond!
#StevenUniverse #Characterdesign #Characterdevelopment #progression #suoc #fanpearl #fanfusion #Champagneifyouplease #corruptedgem #glowup #2017to2019 #Graphicdesign #traditionalart 🔶🔶
Moonstone 2.0 is finally done and with her new form I finish my challenge
#fanfusiondrawingchallenge #fanfusionchallenge #fanfusion #moonstonefusion #pearlapis #LaPearl #crystalgems #drawingchallenge #digitalart #illustration #stevenuniverse #saltwatership #SU #artchallenge