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Myth - Eternal Phoenix

217 1072

過去データ整理してたらthe phoenixネタのやつあったなーってこれ書いたの2020年なのかーウワー

223 1460

バトルスピリッツSAGA【 X Rare Special Pack Vol. 2】にて「Eternal Phoenix Tokiwa(不死鳥トキワ)」(パラレル)を描かせて頂きました🎨

7 17

Dragon Alhaitham x Phoenix Kaveh AU
"When we were young and beatiful"
Kaveh: Haitham, this is Nari! He is the most trustable person in the world!

590 5318

Dragon Alhaitham x Phoenix Kaveh AU
Doodle of their daily life🥳

1261 9883

Little Phoenix Kaveh AU ( continue previous story)
This will be the first time he stays out of home for a night. Alhaitham prepared the bag with him, Kaveh is excited and a little shy. " You will be OK" said Alhaitham. But Alhaitham not sure whether himself will be OK or not...

427 3297

in my head phoenix wright is a japanese-mexican dude from los angeles and you can’t take that away from me https://t.co/oIZoZZd36s

27 128

🍊✨Happy New Year✨🍊


illustration by

126 927

譜面解説はKAISER PHOENIX(SP LEGGENDARIA)のHARDクリア向け解説(byオオシロ君)を収録!


54 158

at the same time, I don't get money or profit from making the manga, and I'm not officially endorsed by phoenix ent.

It's a fully doujinshi work, and I'll use my own interpretation than sticking to canon plans 100%

So please understand

0 2

Dragon Alhaitham & Phoenix Kaveh AU
Part 1.5...?🤔
" love you 3000 (and more)"

2716 21877

Dragon Alhaitham & Phoenix Kaveh AU
" I love you more than you'll ever know"

4482 27347

実は以前にも一度だけ『We’ll get the next dream!!!』のお衣装を描いたことがあったり💮🐬♦️

ユニット甲子園ではついに『PHOENIX DANCE』や『メタモルフィズム』の完全版がお目にかかれるのでしょうか?

1 4

Dragon Alhaitham & Phoenix Kaveh AU
I cannot help but need to draw this...😇
Full version story should be able to post before Friday

539 4511

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix!!!

12 82