For your bday, i went and took the time to Make your Galexia! enjoy!

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'in Galexia ja 'n Zippor 💝💛

Kiitos kun käytitte vauvanne mun kynäni kautta! Commissioneita on auki, joten jos kukaan haluaa taidetta, niin ottakaa yhteyttä parhaaksi näkemällänne tavalla tai säpöstä liekkiharja(at)

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Galexia, personal artwork from my Cosmos series

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day 24! Inthegalexy's again - Calypso!

I was really inspired by her loom so I gave her swirly loom-esque doodads.
I had so much fun coloring her!


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day 23! Today is inthegalexy's again with my fav god - Artemis!

Drawing archery stances is super difficult but it was still fun to figure out! 💕


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day 20! Today is inthegalexy's - Ariadne!

Since she was in charge of the labyrinth I tried to make it the scale design!
It's probably just a mess of dead ends...


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day 3! Followed the prompt by IntheGalexy on Insta!

I've always found Hera fascinating so I couldn't resist putting her in fins! 💕


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Meet Galexia! A new character I adopted from apolloslyres over on DeviantArt! I love her so much!

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his name is galexy
its Alex and,,, galaxy,,,
blame king ok it was like 3am

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⭐️ 🛸 ✨ wanted to start posting drawings on the internet again c:

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Great idea! This is a personal piece, Galexia, mix of photo manipulation and digital illustration. I hope you like it!

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About to do this first inking pass. There are so many sketch layers on this 😅

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Galexia and Krystal messing around with a kite.

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