Imagine my delight when I found trending today 😂😂😂😂😂 The All Lives Matter crew can't say shit without being hypocrites

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25 in November 👵
Straight girl
☑️ fam and friends, animals esp CATS, good food, good music, writing, reading, poetry
❎ hateful people, hypocrites, worms, vegetables hnghhh

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Margaret Edwards (right) as "Naked Truth" in Hypocrites (1915)

The film contained several full nude scenes. The film is regarded as anticlerical, and the nudity was justified by its religious context.

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But things like Uzaki... are to much for poor Unseen Hypocrites eyes

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I'm an Anidala, Stanakin and a Reylo. Yes I exist, no I don't like 90% of the Stanakins/Anidalas on here.

Why? They're hypocrites.

Yes, Ben did fucked up shit. But Anakin killed children, strangled his pregnant wife and acted like a child 90% of the time.

Double Standards.

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All you people hating on Baby Nut but squealing over the X-Babies are a bunch of hypocrites.
We see you.
And judge you.

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I’m sick of the hypocrites who claim to love capitalism and yet continue to use free public services. Build your own highway system! 😏

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The Scorpion Challenge: I Dare You To Eat A Scorpion

Environmental celebrities like Al Gore and Hollywood should have the smallest footprints

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Al Gore Should Eat A Bug

Conservatives don't need to listen to leftists because leftists don't don't drink (algae) & and don't wipe with

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Same people riding in on their high horses telling us off for posting the Artstation metrics are the ones that used all the artvsartist hashtags this year. Yeah we see you, hypocrites. 😆

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It's also funny cuz they're always hypocrites too.
> Go after an artist for being a supposed pedo
> RT gay Jojo fanart when the characters are canonically minors.

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Crazy how the didn't lose it when Oliver North wore his uniform when testifying.

Fvcking hypocrites.

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healer mains in any video game when they only make memes and only talk in complaints towards damage mains complaining, becoming hypocrites, and in the end, still don't heal damage or tank mains at all

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We need to protect our citizens, secure our borders...but the DemoCRAP Party is not working on solving ANYTHING at all. They are too busy trying to unseat President & getting votes at all costs⚠️

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Wishes Hypocrites / 藤村歩、豊崎愛生、茅原実里、平野綾、日…

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Hey, Ilhan, AOC and the rest of you self righteous, race baiting, hypocrites. What do you say to this:

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As always, those “so called fans” are the first to come banging on Jae’s fans when we have an opinion but turn a blind eye to all other hated by other fans towards Jae.
Hypocrites at their best.

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