画質 高画質

nightyy kawanbabu 💿🌟 i'm searching for new friends to be moots!! c: aku childe && ganyu main, also ar 6O 🏌🏻‍♀️ reply with ur fav charas and i'll hyu p___p [NO LGBTQPHOBIC & UNDER 15 💢 ]

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HAII SEMUAA, sender mau cari genshinmoots ??🫶, sender AR56 navia main 🩷____🩷, legal, anypro and part of lgbtq juga ⭐️, sekiranya ada kita punya favs yang sama KETIK HMU SKRNG!! 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️. OHIYA NNTI TOLONG CHECK FOLLOWERSNYA YAW, (cont..)

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Hi kawanbabu, ada yang masih bangun? Masih mau dong mutualan sama sender Yoimiya main ini? Siapa aja diterima asalkan kamu mau sama unlabeled account, gak minor dan gak homophobic because my account is not safe for minors and I'm part of LGBTQ community. Just hit me up (cont..)

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anyone wanna be genshinmoots with my new account? (literally new i have no followers). i go by he/him, i'm a 22yo guy, and part of lgbtq+

i tweet about my life, genshin, kp0p, even p0litics sometimes. dni if you're a minor and homophobic. reply if you're interested!

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tryna to look for more genshinmoots for my personal account! i'm a 22yo guy and i go by he/him, i love genshin women tho i'm part of lgbtq+ bcs they're hot

just reply if you're interested, homophobic and minor pls dni i use harsh language and i tweet about my boyfriend sometimes

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hello~ sender lagi nyari genshinmoots untuk meramaikan tl dan berinteraksi. yang gak masalah akun ba, leave a trace and i’ll hit u up. lgbtqphobic + basic criteria DNI ‼️

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greetings! im searching for new kawanbabu to fill up my tl on my new account. i go by he/they legal age, ar 60 neuvillette main!! i also like other things such as hsr, r1999, anime, and cartoons... if you’re interested just reply here. -16, lgbtqphobic, and basic dni (cont..)

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Hello there, I'm here to find new kawanbabu who doesn't mind if i simp lots of arlecchino and hydro charas! Also talk about prsk and enstars :] Leave a trace then I'll hyu, see you <3 anw lgbtqia+phobic strictly dni

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Hello there, I'm here to find new genshinmoots who doesn't mind if i simp lots of arlecchino and hydro charas! Also talk about prsk and enstars :] Leave a trace then I'll hyu, see you <3 anw lgbtqia+phobic strictly dni

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hello i’m searching for a new kawanbabu, i’m legal and use he/him as my pronouns, i’m also a childe main, i hype hsr and hi3 too, i talk about navia a lots.. since i’m part of lgbtq+ and my account isn’t minor friendly soooo, minor and homophobic dni, tartali (cont..)

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-bllkawan Hi, I'm looking for fellow AU writers to be around. Who doesn't mind if I hype other animanga & hype NSFW stuff. I’m fine with any ship or stan & other animanga writers.

Lgbtq+phobic, part of kpop account, and minor -18 please DNI. So, just leave any trace!

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hello i just deactivated and making a new account. now i’m searching for a new kawanbabu, i’m legal, childe main and part of lgbtq+ so lgbtq+ phobes and minor dni, oh and tartali shipper got a fp! i’m using childe as my pfp ;)

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HALOOO, aku mau cari kawanbabu yang udah legal dan masih aktif genshin. aku udah legal, pake pronouns she/her, wrio main. aku demen dekor teapot 🥳. akunku campur anitwt n kpop [dkiiit]. navia wanters get a freepass. LGBTQphobic dni ya 🤩✨️🩷

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haloo mau cari kawanbabu, aku legal, any pro terus juga yaemiko mains! since i’m part of lgbtq+ so homophobic, problematic dni yaa T___T, aku jugaa suka ngomongin hi3, hsr, and soon zzz 🫶, drop any trace or your tmi if u interested 🎮

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Haloo I'm looking for kawanbabu biar tl gak sepi hehe 🥲 I go with she/they and legal☝🏼AR60 and lore enjoyer👍🏻sender juga suka share/edit foto2 gnshn contohnya ini ✨ also play other hoyo games like hsr and hi3.
Dni lgbtqa+phobic and minor yaw. Leave a (cont..)

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nighty night kawanbabu , this sender is looking for new friends to mingle with! 🐰 please read this not-so fcv to know her more, untuk -15 dan lgbtqphobic/homophobic dni dulu ya

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hi, i'm looking for more kawanbabu for enliven my account since i just started anew. the name began with i, using any pronouns and in my legal age. currently in ar58, raiden & ayato main. no specific criteria needed just make sure you're not lgbtqia+ phobic, is not (cont..)

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Hii, malmingan gini enaknya jadi kawanbabu sender! Sender hydro enjoyer + arlecchino's most devoted worshipper (alias lago saving buat blio). Sender juga main r1999, enstars, dan prsk! Leave tmi or anything, nanti sender qrt! :p LGBTQIA+phobic STRICTLY DNI! :<

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