유튜브 프로필 사진 입니다!! 원신의 비밀혈맹원이 이번에도 그려주셨습니다 언제나 정말 감사합니다! 애니풍으로 멋지게 그려주셨고 신기능인 혀 내밀기 부터 귀걸이에 머리핀 악세서리 부터 복잡한 체인 장식들까지 전부다 멋지게 다 그려주셔서 감동이였어요!!!!!!! ㅠㅜ

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Shibuya Productions publiera le tome 8 de le manga « made in Monaco » le 21 octobre

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On vous dévoile aujourd'hui la couverture du tome 8 de Blitz que vous pourrez retrouver en librairie dès le 21 octobre prochain !

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Hii!! Here Iwa!

It seems that Vermeil couldn't resist the incredible and delicious taste of Alto 🤤🤤

I hope you like this drawing! With this and the last one I have the commissions open, very soon I will upload the new prices ^^

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it's time!! Here's the official (updated) 2022 Iwaizumi Thirst Week prompt list!!

🔥 Iwa thirst week will run from Oct 7-Oct 13
🔥 use and tag us at

🔥 go wild, have fun, be as thirsty as you'd like!

(art background used w/permission: @/simonsuke)

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*hq hc m/m pair Iwaoi (jaga-jaga)
sebenarnya beberapa kali ada yang ngikut manggil Iwaizumi Iwa-chan. Soalnya mereka ngerasa tuh nama panggilan lucu. Tapi pada berhenti soalnya muka Iwaizumi keganggu banget kalau ada yang manggil dia Iwa-chan selain Oikawa

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Ding ding ding 🛎️
We have a winner!

For most of us here, there were no doubts from the very beginning.

Topping yet another poll (and all of you), Haikyuu’s Sexiest Alpha is Iwa-Chan!


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iwa is the rhythm guitarist 🎸🎶

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Awalnya doank seme keliatan ketus. Tp pas udah deket ama uke keliatan malu2 bucin. Ukenya jg auranya mirip ama 3id3n secara ini manhwa t4iwa4n. Art stylenya mirip2 ama game nuc4.

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【Tokyo 7th シスターズ】Pレアカード スミレ 異国のクリスマス GETしたよ!皆も遊んでね♪→https://t.co/R6gbyWUKke 【プレイヤーID】mHI0iWA

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화질 멀쩡한 짤 못찾겠어서 일단 급하게 쪄왔습니다

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이와님 슬쩍슬쩍 보며 느꼈던 인상표!

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솔직히 한 장 요약 안되는데 일단 이걸로

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요즘! 첫인상 남기는게 유행인가봐!!!!!!!
다른 걸 즐겁게 감상하다보니 문득
오호라~ 손놈들도 해보면 재밌지 않을까?
그래서 준비해본 이와 첫인상 알아보기!

위 태그로 올리거나 쉘터에 편하게 올려보세요!!
벌써 두근두근 결과가 기대된다!!!!!

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