I'm very rusty but I'm slowly getting back to it. A lot of TRPG for the past few months to wind down from other works lead to this character being made.

Hiroshi Kazane, a fox male who goes "Too loud" far too many times for even the most quietest of things.

3 13

Happy Birthday Kazani! I mean, Kanazi? Kodaka? Oh yea! It's Kagami!

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"The landscape affects the human psyche - the soul, the body and the innermost contemplations - like music. Every time you feel nature deeper you resonate better with her, finding new elements of balance and freedom."

~Nikos Kazantzakis, 🎨John Kindborg.

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1 27

22: attack for ~Kazanagi

0 1

Good morning people of art!
Today we have a long way home from Kazan.
❤️Have a good mood❤️
My self-portrait "SEE" is available at the link⬇️

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Today's yokai character is Kazan Yamaoka from Dead By Daylight, He is an Oni

3 48

Büyük kısmı yurtdışından gelen avcılar 2020-2021 av sezonunda toplam 1835 karaca, domuz, geyik ve dağ keçisi gibi canlıları öldürdü. Devlet bu katliamdan 26,8 milyon TL kazandı. haberi üzerine BirGün Gazetesi Pazar Metaforunda "Dağ Keçisi" var.

90 177

Da kam ein fruchtiges Paket von bei mir an und ich bin mehr als begeistert von dem Früchtetee🥰
Genau das richtige für warme Sommertage 💚
Mit dem Code "Kazanya" bekommt ihr 10% Rabatt auf eure Bestellung✨

1 12

"Don't let me make you come here Kazansky."

太久沒畫畫ㄌ 恆

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Tsubasa Kazanari — Senki zesshou Symphogear

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1 15

Seventh Attack: Revenge on with Kazan "Pompy" Carmirosso

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A comm of Hiyori Kazane from Sora no Otoshimono. Just look at those chunky legs... 😍

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attack on @ Kazanagi (af) / Kiznakaz (ig) of their super pretty oc stella!!
i love her vibe.... <3 all of her suitors are cowards i'd be head over heels

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Detail of an illustration from Yumi Tamura's BASARA manga cover (vol 7). Kazan's helmet with red horse tail


"A Roman Soldier", a drawing (1548-49) by Francesco Salviati. Collection of The British Museum, UK.

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3 11

Na, wer kommt mit mir ein leckeres Eis essen? :3🍦

🎨: @/super_tokagen

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