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90 302

🐺🦆🐣 [SD/AP]
Bradley learned to braid hair and Mav is entirely too happy with the final product

8 21

🐺🦆 [SD/AP]
When someone pisses off your aerobatics pilot boyfriend, who's already having a rough time, and you have to come save him before he kills someone

19 58

🐺🦆 [SD/AP]
The Goosemav boys being cutiessss, they're just so in love, your honour

19 50

🐺🦆 [single dad/aerobatics pilot au]
Some pics from Goose's camera roll from their trip to Europe

17 46


✏️: the pope as a top gun pilot, impossible , urban exploration , coniferous forest , panorama , colorized, 4k, ultrarealistic

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