Baldr was trapped in Hel because one soul chose not to weep for him: Loki, disguised as a crone. Yet he will escape, once Hel is emptied for battle at Ragnarok: he will gather the surviving gods and humans and rebuild the worlds.

🖼: residentsmooth

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In Arthurian legends, Arthur becomes King either by pulling a sword from the stone or by being given the sword Excalibur by the Lady of the Lake (art from Archetron)

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In Chinese myth Guan Yu’s blacksmith was asked to make a weapon, as long as a spear with a sabre’s curved blade. A green dragon appeared as he was forging the blade. He cut it up, merged it into the weapon and created the magical Green Dragon Crescent Blade.

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💫Join us for Where the theme is weaponry legends💫Give us your legendary swords, your enchanted axes & bows, your battle rams, your maces, & armed deities.💫 Give us your & you then!💫

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The rainbow is depicted as an archer's bow in Hindu mythology. Indra, the god of thunder and war, uses the rainbow to shoot arrows of lightning.

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' ... she was tall and great, shining, and wrapped in a thin garment as green as poison.' The Silver Chair. The Lady of the Green Kirtle is a splendid villain. Her residence in the underworld, &her green garments are typical of the fae.

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In Greek mythology, the goddess Iris personifies the rainbow. In many stories, she carries messages from Olympus to the mortal realm. In other myths, the rainbow the path made by Iris as she flies, just like the wake left by a ship.

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Indra, the Hindu goddess of thunder and war, uses the rainbow to shoot arrows of lightening.

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In Japanese mythology, the rainbow may have inspired the belief in the Ame-no-ukihashi, “Floating Bridge of Heaven” - ancient Japanese creator deities, Izanami and Izanagi, stood upon this bridge as they brought the Japanese archipelago into existence.

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In Norse mythology, Bifröst, is a burning rainbow bridge that reaches between Midgard (Earth) and Asgard, the realm of the gods.

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Irish myth tells of a female vampire, Dearg-due —“red bloodsucker.” She fell in love with a pauper but was forced into an arranged marriage that was unhappy, driving her to suicide. She avenges herself by rising from the dead to seduce & kill unwitting men.

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💫Join us for Where the theme is colorful legends.💫Give us your rainbow legends, your black knights & green goblins, your red hoods, pink skies & colorful deities. Give us your & you then💫

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The is a water spirit in folklore, known as the each-uisce (anglicized as aughisky or ech-ushkya) in & cabyll-ushtey on the This supernatural water horse found in the is similar to the

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💫Join us for Where the theme is time & calendar 💫Give us your clocks, time travel, ancient calendars, circular & linear calendars & time deities. Give us your & See you then!💫

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If you're traveling with us on
You might need a map 🗺️

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💫Join us for Where the theme is traveler 💫Give us your nomads, migrators, your location changers, movers, traveler gods & monsters. Give us your & See you Wednesday!💫🌎🧳✈️🐎

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According to ancient Hindu  elephants brought the rain. For the clouds themselves were thought to be celestial relatives of the white elephants. Where the elephant's body was the cloud and their trunks would shower the earth with rain.

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💫Join us for Where the theme is weather, clouds, and sky 💫Give us your & See you Wednesday storytellers! 💫🌦️☃️💨🌪️

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According to Scottish the Faerie Dog (or Coin-Sith) is a green hound & silent hunter, searching for souls. Nursing women specifically, for they would be abducted & taken to the faerie realm,forced to eternally supply milk for the fae!#FolkloreThursday

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