画質 高画質

Little Helper


Ara chose to contradict Eun and to help sacred beasts, gaining their power, understanding she can guide everyone to the right path. A philosophical path with a solar energy I really love despite not fully understanding Ara's lore.

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Since I've decided to combine the two, I'll introduce myself a little. Hello! I'm ChibiBree, you can call me Chibi (cuz I'm small) or Bree. I like coding, cosplay, and RPGs/TTRPGs/MMORPGs. I hope to explore these things together with you all!

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ファンタジーMMORPG「アーサーの伝説-Excalibur-」のサービスがPC/iOS向けに開始―Android向けサービスは後日へ https://t.co/Go7kNewWCw

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Become Tyrannus & Nihilida
Together, they are Demersio

To save and protect Ciel, Lu loses a second half of her soul, making her body deteriorate while Ciel becomes a complete demon of rampage who fails to save his lost queen... Farewell, Lu.

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