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清蘭のボーカル曲を が担当させていただきました‼️ついに実装開始‼️



イラスト:ありかん様 https://t.co/NNBMabd5tk

97 196


イラスト:ありかん様 https://t.co/Gbg5s5M7Zj

21 43

Suomenkielen opettaminen on helppoa. Suomea suomeksi - helppoa, kun on sanakirja. Sehän on meillä jokaisella.
Teaching Finnish in Finnish: “A blissful happiness”

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Dancing together to the end of line

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Doodling my Magicals! Unico(boy), KamenKid(Girl) and BrideKnight!(Boy). You can tell is me when the boys are the pretty designs XD
Doodleando a mis Magicals! Unico, KamenKid y BrideKnight! lo pensé después pero como se nota que soy yo cuando los chicos son los pretties XD

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Sad to hear Professor Menkiti passed away, he was a wonderful, kind man and to hear how charitable he was and to learn more about him go to his obit here: https://t.co/l2YCg57dly

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Grace Allison Perkins submission from vol 3 of our anthology Only 3 panels but packed with intimacy & detail about the figures. More at https://t.co/Dt68R3KAnD

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Feeling the love this afternoon in his illustration by this week's featured artist Grace Allison Perkins! 💜💜💜 https://t.co/lsTTQsBmmQ

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Kampf-Event in

- 5. März (22:00) bis 12. März (21:00)
- Mehr wilde Kampf-Pokémon
- 2× Fang-, Kampf- & Raid-Sternenstaub
- 2× Arenaorden-Punkte
- Bis zu 5 Spielerkampf- & 3 Teamleiter-Belohnungen täglich
- Shiny-Menki & -Machollo
- Neue Attacke Steigerungshieb

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A new poster for the short film 'Ready' created by the super-mega and showcasing some general kick-arsery! Starring and Jinny Lofthouse

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Woohoo!! Does it get any better than having the nation's best weekly paper sponsor a fest dedicated to BADASS Women?! https://t.co/EaVywkcLWT

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Beth B Menking, a mom of five and a grandmother of nine, has been painting since the age of ten years.

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