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Professor Fishsticks!
Future Fishsticks still works with Sasha, and the two are the founders of in-universe NASA, which is the first to get humans on the moon
#psychosona #psychonaughts2 #psychonaughts #psychonaughtsoc
David R. Hedgley, Jr. is a computer scientist and mathematician known as the “Father of 3D Graphics”. At NASA, he solved the “hidden-line problem”, one of the greatest breakthroughs in 3D graphics.
Read about his achievements in our #SciComm article at https://t.co/vvu6ArKJ9B
Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh, probably inspired by a drawing of the Whirlpool galaxy by William Parsons, Lord Rosse.
Image credit: NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) https://t.co/T8RVWSukp7
Each Cygnus mission has two mission patches, one from the company and one from NASA, here is the other for NG-17.
Denki, Shoto, Inasa, and Seji…..
Hells Kitchen…
[Manga: MHA Team Up Mission Ch 5]
#mha #bnha #teamupmissions #bokunoheroacademia
@gard3nb0y hi im nasa, i do tradicional and digital art and i always try to improve and to make people happy with my work✨💜
@Mare_AU Hi sou nasa, artista amador e eu sempre tento melhorar as minhas artes, e espero agradar as pessoas com o meu trabalho✨💖
Tenho muitos artistas que eu adoro, mas vo marcar meus amigos já que eles são muito talentosos kk
@M4rc3llyLoka @JCaio_arts @OSimuns @Its_me_umishi
No entanto, os últimos oito anos foram os mais quentes desde que começaram as medições, em 1880. "É um fato indiscutível que ressalta a necessidade de uma ação corajosa para proteger o futuro da humanidade", disse o administrador da Nasa, Bill Nelson.
Os pilares da criação são aglomerados de poeira e gás, localizados na nebulosa da Águia, a cerca de 7.000 anos-luz da Terra. Créditos:NASA,Hubble,ESA.
Clouds & storms swirl on Jupiter. NASA, Juno Spacecraft
Clouds & storms swirl on Jupiter. NASA, Juno Spacecraft
America First.
Buzz 1st Nasa, moon, #Trump MOAB'ing the #CCPChina, as Hunter #Biden paints a portrait of glorious leader Winnie- #XiJinping-the Pooh
#americanart Cartoon Art.
@akewiart hi me chamo nasa, sou um artista amador e faço tanto no tradicional quanto no digital, amo fazer isso e sempre busco melhorar e tentar agradar as pessoas com o meu trabalho, e espero torna isso minha fonte de vida✨💖
Clouds & storms swirl on Jupiter. NASA, Juno Spacecraft
The Flame Nebula, or NGC 2024, is a large star-forming region in the constellation Orion. It’s a portion of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, which includes such famous nebulae as the Horsehead Nebula and Orion Nebula.
Credit: NASA, ESA, and N. Da Rio (University of Virginia)
~ Today's Random Icon ~
This is Melissa, a NASA agent, though... There is something weird about her, is she human?
~ Icon random de hoy ~
Esta es Melisa, una agente de la Nasa, aunque... Hay algo raro en ella, ¿será humana?
@art_booster @SArtists_ @ArtePorDoquier_ #art
#Space wonder for the #NebulaNovember
1-NGC 1333: Stellar Nursery in Perseus
Copyright: Michael Sherick
2-The Cat's Eye Nebula in Optical and X-ray
NASA, ESA, Hubble; Chandra X-ray Obs.
Processing & Copyright: Rudy Pohl
NASA, agência governamental americana, irá colaborar com @arcaneshow, serie animada do @LoLegendsBR
Ao que tudo indica, duas novas estrelas recém descobertas, irão receber os nomes de Jinx e Vi em homenagem a série 🗣
#Touhoutober day 23!
Characters were the Phantom Ensemble, the Prismriver Sisters Lunasa, Merlin and Lyrica!
Hope you like it!
Any feedback is appreciated!
@PandDoodles hi me chamo nasa, so um artista amador e amo desenhar, faço no tradicional e digital, e espero tornar isso a minha fonte de vida e agradar quem eu puder com oq eu faço✨🌸💜