POV: you escaped from the StrexCorp company picnic but didn't get very far and are now dealing with the consequences of your actions 😊

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Is always a good time for Welcome to Nightvale. Also lookit this. I drew him. His name is Chester! He is a Mimic, a Pupper and a sorta drooly bag o holding all in one!

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i’m the only one on your a.m. a.m radio

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Listening to Welcome To Nightvale in the year of our lord 2020? It's more likely than you think!!!!

The Strex Corp arc still hits just as hard as it did in 2014 lemme tell you what

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Redrew an old fantroll, with their original reference. Their name is Quarin and they're based off kevin, from nightvale. An off-yellow blood who can make fields that lulls others into a sense of security iirc. I gotta remember more and it might change

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No new art finished at the moment, but enjoy this sketch of godofnightvale (Tiktok) strawberry otter OC.

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been thinking about the REAL gay sweethearts of 2014.. cecil and carlos nightvale .. :)

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So. Cecil's look tonight? My expectations were high and they were obliterated.

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what if 🥺👉👈 tamika flynn and brandy lance from episodes 124-126 🥺👉👈 smooched a little 🥺👉👈 what if they were girlfriend. haha just kidding. unless-

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"Each day the sun rises and sets. The moon pulls the tides. Our hearts beat. Our loved ones love us back. And we share our inhales and exhales with the great organism that is our tiny planet.
Each day that is, is a blessing, Night Vale."

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💙 Day 2: Latest OC
My own little purple people eater, Rorschach! He was originally inspired by Welcome To Nightvale, only to evolve into his own character. He’s already one of my favorites to draw. 💜

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Lembrei pra que eh tenho rede social (pra postar desenhos antigos, já q atualmente n termino nenhum)

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