OCtober Day 13: Cattline

Cattline is a youkai cow believed to have started a huge fire in the midwest over 100 years ago. She actually didn't, but she takes credit for it since it makes her sound intimidating. She's a bit of an arsonist

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OCtober Day 12: Shelly

Shelly helps out at the shop her mom owns, like her little sisters Shiela & Carrie. She's cheery, excitable, and always has a smile on her face. Something about it seems vaguely forced... nah, just my imagination.

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OCtober Day 11: Lili
Lili is a youkai born from a tulip. She's a very playful and mischievous person who regularly hangs out with other younger youkai such as herself. Her name is temporary, but I'm not sure what to change it to.

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OCtober Day 10: Dolly
Dolly lives on her own in a forest outside of town. She grows and sells vegetables at markets in the nearby human city. She can fight, but only will in self defense. She hides food and weapons in that basket.

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OCtober Day 9: Shiela
Shiela works as a craftswoman at her mother's store. If you sell her monster parts, she'll sell you armor she made with it. She's friendly, by the way. Just has resting bitch face.
She's also Carrie's older sister!

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OCtober Day 8: Jade
Jade is a moon rabbit. She's the self-proclaimed "Top gal of the moon!" Whether or not she is remains a mystery, because no one cares enough to go there and check. She doesn't come to Earth much, anyway.

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Day 28: Discomfort

Blue loves to sit on the couch in her apartment but she can’t find a comfortable position today.

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OCtober Day 7: Fern
Getting a bit behind...life's been busy.
Fern loves to pick fights with people, but she's a good sport so she doesn't fight anyone who doesn't want to. Usually.
I tried a dynamic pose this time, it turned out okayish.

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OCtober Day 6: Carrie
She's a classy woman with a sense of adventure. She hasn't mastered her magical abilities, but she doesn't let it get to her.
Fun fact! Most elves' ears go outward, but hers point upward since she's part cat.

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