322 - Numel
Type: Fire/Ground

NUMEL stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees F within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens. In that event, the POKéMON’s body grows heavy and its movements become sluggish.

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Funny thing, Lemon was just a numel I used to try different shading stuff on without a name waaaaaay back in February. Then I drew the first page 2 months later at work,and latched onto her. Much Like how I originally latched onto numels in the first place lol. Randomly

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Le rapport entre l'#Opéra et la ?
Les fables bien sûr!
Quand une prof de la maîtrise de l' chante a cappella et que les enfants sont à fond pour trouver l'image de la issue d'éditions en ligne sur numelyo... la journée est gagnée

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🍉 Rafraîchissants et savoureux, tous les de l'#été ou presque sont dans de nouveaux à retrouver sur 🍒🍒

↪️ https://t.co/rIsE0Z0vNP

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Here’s my revenge attack on MothsandFrogs. A Numel/Cubchoo called Snufkin.

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No. 322: Numel
Numb Pokémon

Numel stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees F within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens. In that event, the Pokémon's body grows heavy and its movements become sluggish.

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Sally PVC ha estado teniendo mas aventuras por el rol!
y digamos que ahora se ha vuelto un poco bad bitch😳

+Un numel se ha unido a su equipo

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MCDelta wanted to be lemon's sister. Which is like the most wholesome want. So numel numel numel numel~

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Doodle is Numel. Such a happy boy~

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People move at different rates, encourage but don't rush.

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No. 322: Numel
Numb Pokémon

Numel stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees F within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens. In that event, the Pokémon's body grows heavy and its movements become sluggish.

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Numel’s Agrios Form and its regional evolution, Ulumel. Rock/Ground types based on desert caravans and Uluru. If you want more info on this line, check them out on my Instagram!

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Reminder that when Mega Rayquaza came out it was so broken it got banned from Ubers and made a new tier.

The meta for that tier was either teams of 6 Rayquazas, teams of 6 Klefkis, or teams of 5 Klefkis and 1 Numel (To kill the Klefkis)

Yes, these were the 3 premier Mons

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