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235 1337

Pokémon legends arceus art

937 6728

レジェアル 御三家すやすやタイム💤
Legends Arceus starters tap time :3


52 237

✨Cynthia Arceus Alt
(a bit late for Pokemon Legends arceus anniversary)

1401 9476

🪷Cynthia Arceus Alt based on Volo's outfit...

208 2442

I skipped drawing and played Pokémon Sword, Legends Arceus, and Violet.
These were the best games, my favorite being Violet🥪🥪

3 32

Arceus 👠👠👠👠

1652 8359

It's been 2 years! Pokemon Legends Arceus was great!

451 2369

✨⚪️Irida Palkia Alt for Pokemon Legends Arceus Anniversary!!! idk if I'll finish this but I defo wanna sketch one out for Adaman!

470 3115

i got these sketches of irida/kai from two years ago lying around so might as well post them for the 2nd pokemon legends arceus anniversary trademark

540 3479

I want another game like Legends Arceus

410 2235

pixivFANBOXでArceusを公開しました! https://t.co/aHEb25EYFx

29 184


0 1

smol break from work wagh

I started playing legends arceus recently and got to brainrotting about pokemon trainer Mai, so here she is 🧡 she's an ex-coordinator who now works for professor juniper as a field researcher!

62 508

✨Pokemon Legends Arceus

450 2167