On the Île de Sein in Brittany, folk would tell of hearing the Crierien, the bones of drowned sailors whose spirits call out for burial...

12 38

"Everywhere in Fairy Land forests are the places where one may most certainly expect adventures" (George MacDonald)

🎨 Vasily Ermolaev

42 164

“So, dream thy dreams, O Faust, until we meet once more!” (Goethe)

🎨 Carl Gustav Carus "Faust's Dream" (1852)

29 144

The Stikini are witches from Seminole folklore. During the day, they resemble average people. At night, they vomit up their souls and turn into undead owl creatures that eat human hearts.

🎨 Mary Metzger

94 438

When the fishermen of Port-Blanc Brittany, left at night, they often reported seeing the hands of corpses clinging on to the sides of their boats...

🎨Alfred Kubin - The Horror

4 12

"You call me a misanthrope because I avoid society. You err; I love society. Yet in order not to hate people, I must avoid their company."

Caspar David Friedrich was born 1774

🎨 "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" (c 1817)

52 231

The tried and true way of killing a terrible monster that terrorizes Spear-Danes is to rip off its arm during glorious hand-to-hand combat in a splendid meadhall in the darkest depths of the night. 🖼John Howe

6 40

Rán and Ægir have nine daughters who live in the ocean and tend to be a bit homicidal (particularly where ancient Scandinavian sailors are concerned). 🖼️Rim Bitik for https://t.co/fUg9l6yfmk

9 40

Goats are often linked to witches and magic, but in the Scottish Highlands, they are also associated with fairies.

In Breadalbane and the Highlands of Perthshire, it’s believed that the fairies live on their milk.

🌙 A. N. Burke

54 194

“Beware the autumn people”

Ray Bradbury was born 1920

🎨 Joseph Mugnaini

39 155

Illustrations by Alméry Lobel-Riche for Charles Baudelaire’s 'Les Fleurs du Mal' (c.1923) https://t.co/ebdsQLOEfS

9 28

"In the tunnels of that twisted wood, whose low prodigious oaks twine groping boughs and shine dim with the phosphorescence of strange fungi, dwell the furtive and secretive zoogs" (Lovecraft)

🎨 V. Ermolaev "Zoogs" (2016)

32 119


Today's ends now. And while it's all things over here again, share lore of haunted mines and the crafting of cursed gems with Sam and celebrate dark, weird literature with

🖼️ J. Panuška https://t.co/RTY3Y6demH

7 18

"Make no reply, but listen; I am not dead, nor yet am I alive. I hover between this world and the world of Spirits. Mark me."

(Frederick Marryat "The Phantom Ship")

🎨 Howard Pyle "Flying Dutchman"

14 69

'After the dark, and before the light,
One lay sleeping; and one sat weeping,
Who had watched and wept the weary night.'
-Christina Rossetti

🎨Kinuko Y. Craft

35 108

“I enjoy the pleasure of weighing the rays of dead stars…” ✨

— Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Tomorrow's Eve

🌙 Zansot

13 51

"The spirit thou lamentest is not gone;
Ye caverns and ye forests, cease to moan!" (Shelley)

🎨 San'Ok (2021)

33 122