画質 高画質

Traditional drawing repost!

Des potits dessin de ~
Je tiens à préciser, au passage, que c'est une personne formidable. Merci de ton soutien !

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Playing with one of the reference images from last night's Drawing Hive session hosted by Visual Arts Passage. Many liberties taken. Lots of fun.

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Un roman graphique enchanteur qui parle du passage à l’adolescence et d’accueillir le changement, même s'il semble trop effrayant à affronter...

Pour les fans de contes européens et d'Alerte Rouge !

DISPO LE 24/03 !

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Le début est un peu maladroit, confus, la narration de même, mais laissez-lui sa chance. Le Webtoon ne fait que s'améliorer et monter en puissance. Il y'a des passages où vous allez vous tirer les cheveux de frustration mais ça se termine toujours de manière satisfaisante !

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J'accepte avec plaisir !
Bonne saint Valentin au passage ;)

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photography saved my life.

from a passage from a text i wrote about my story to really is powerful.

💬 prompt in ALT

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he meets me in dreams. in brief times of sublime passage. in these short moments, love is made.

we hand off souls and stories with graceful dignity.

we meet in times of childbirth. both welcoming lives; one whose just started, one whose just ended.

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🔊  voice

 contrasts abstract elements and descriptive passages that make sense of the rest of the picture. 'The Vision' resonates with life itself: out there in the madness there are a few moments and relationships which give meaning to everything else

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one of the hottest passages of
“voce del verbo photostrippare”
The power of the unfinished is the same as that of a developing embryo. When you have it inside you can sense its force.

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Can't find the OG ant post to QRT so uh yeah!!!

Funny thing, the last time I drew this was like, February last year too

The passage of time is a funny thing

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東京のアイルしながわにて2023年4月14日(金)~ 4月16日(日)開催のイベント、
『第9回 博物蒐集家の応接間 Passage de Rêve 夢の中のパサージュ』に参加します。

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Dia 103 - A geladeira que contém uma passagem secreta para o QG da Ordem pode ser considerada como uma referência não intencional à geladeira presente em Gravity Falls, que também contém uma passagem secreta, conforme dito por Cellbit em live.

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